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The Omnivorous Publisher
Category Story Event
Type Story
Data ID 310900

The Omnivorous Publisher is a Sunless Skies Story Event.

Story description[]

The Publisher leans back amid a halo of smoke. "Imagine I'm the average man on the street. By which I mean, a philistine of the lowest order. What have you done lately to capture my attention?"

Trigger conditions[]

Originpoet icon Ambition: The Song of the Sky ≥ 1
Area: Limbo
Frequency: Always (100%)


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
You are the Hero of the Tacketies
You've played a decisive role in the Winchester War, and your heroic deeds are celebrated by the Tacketies.
Hero of the Tacketies
"The Tacketies will want to read all about their hero," says the Publisher with a glinting smile. "The Stovepipes will want to study the tactics of one of their greatest enemies. This will mean fame and notoriety, in equal measure! I hope you're ready."
You are the Champion of the Windward Company
You've played a decisive role in the Winchester War, and you are hailed as a hero by the Stovepipes.
Champion of the Windward Company
"The Stovepipes will want to read all about their hero," says the Publisher with a glinting smile. "The Tacketies will want to study the tactics of one of their greatest enemies. This will mean fame and notoriety, in equal measure! I hope you're ready."
You are the Saviour of the Sun
You've stoked the heatless fires of the Clockwork Sun. Without your efforts, Albion would be a darker place.
The Saviour of the Sun
The Publisher nods as you finish your story. "The establishment at Albion won't like it if you publicly reveal how close the Clockwork Sun came to diminishment," he says, "but it sounds like you've done them enough favours already."
You are the Knight of Clocks
On behalf of the Horological Office, you've tamed time.
The Knight of Clocks
By the time you've finished telling your story, the office is shrouded in smoke. All you can see of the Publisher is a glowing cigarette-tip and the vague outline of a grin. "Yes," he says. "Yes, this will do quite nicely."
You are the Saint of Wells
You've undertaken all the well-rites.
The Saint of Wells
"I must have a book on the wells around here somewhere," says the Publisher, rooting through his shelves as you tell your story. "A Beggar among Blemmigans... War in Procinct..." He picks out book after book, escalating in obscurity, forming an increasingly esoteric mountain at his feet. By the time your story is over, he's given up. "You might be the first person to write about these things in any detail," he says. "At least in a language suitable for mass consumption."
You have discovered the fate of the Parzifal
You've discovered one of the legendary wrecks.
The Fate of the Parzifal
The Publisher is silent for a long time once you've finished telling your tale. He blinks a few times. Even his cigarette has extinguished. "Stunning," he says finally. "Make sure you write it exactly like that."
You have explored the Boatman
You've discovered one of the legendary wrecks.
Trespassing on the Boatman
The Publisher listens to your story, rapt, and when you are finished he takes a moment to clear his throat and reshuffle the papers on his desk. "Very good," he says finally. "Extraordinary, in fact."
You are a successful Member of Parliament
You are, or perhaps were, a Right Honourable MP, and you have managed to convey a Bill to the very Throne of Hours.
A Member of Parliament
The Publisher's ears perk. "An MP? Why didn't you tell me earlier? Any scandals of note? If not, why not?" He waves a hand. "On second thoughts, don't worry. Plenty of room for scandal in future cantos."
You are the Revolutionary of Brabazon
You sparked the fire that overthrew a merciless regime.
The Revolutionary of Brabazon
"You were behind that entire affair?" The Publisher grins. "You never cease to amaze. The chattering classes from London to New Winchester have been speculating about the cause of the upheaval for months. This will give us some truly succulent publicity."
You stole a Jewel from Albion's Crown
You rescued a hostage from her cage at the heart of the Empire.
The Hostage-Thief
The Publisher leans back in his chair and roars with laughter. "Publishing this story will ruffle feathers. I hope you're ready for the consequences. I'll probably have to hire a decent bodyguard and an excellent lawyer."
You are the Exile of Piranesi
You escaped, partly intact, from a distant and inexplicable prison.
The Exile of Piranesi
"I can't believe I believe you," says the Publisher once you've finished telling your story. "Half of the reading public has barely heard of Piranesi. The other half think it's a myth. To think that you've actually escaped the place! You'll be a legend."
You are the Scourge of Monsters
You've killed the fearsome things that haunt the loneliest parts of the sky.
The Scourge of Monsters
"Nothing sells books like blood," says the Publisher, grinning so hard he bites his cigarette in half.
You are the Enemy of the Gods
You've earned the divine wrath of all the sky-gods at once.
The Enemy of the Gods
The Publisher yelps with excitement and begins pulling various esoteric books from his shelves and hurling them in your direction. He shows you pages of pentacles, pictures of things which are only part-goat, Latin invocations, Correspondence sigils. "Half of it is nonsense, of course," he says, "but what extraordinary nonsense!" He suggests you start calling yourself the "Great Adversary," perhaps not considering the connotations.


Links In[]

London ambience Ambition: the Song of the Sky

Links Out[]

London ambience Ambition: the Song of the Sky

Template:Navbox story events
