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The Storm that Speaks
The Storm that Speaks (Sidebar)
Located in Albion
Ports None

The Storm that Speaks is a Discovery in the outer circle of Albion. It can be found on multiple places; one instance was found being near The Most Serene Mausoleum and another one near Avid Horizon.

The Storm that Speaks is a massive purple maelstrom pushing any entity away from its center and increasing Terror when trying to go near.

When close to the eye of the storm, you will be prompted to "Approach" by pressing R, beginning the storylets.

Log Entries[]

The Storm that Speaks! There are voices on the wind, until a crack of thunder cows them.

The Storm That Schemes(storm_name)
Category Story Event
Type Story
Data ID 296721

The Storm That Schemes(storm_name)[]

"The Storm That Schemes(storm_description)"


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Ambition: Begin the Unseen Queen's ritual
You step into the High Wilderness with the portrait of the Queen under one arm. You walk a path of moonlight beneath the rumbling storm.
    • Martyrkingscup icon Ambition: The Martyr-King's Cup = 22 [You must travel to the Storm That Speaks and have a dying quester speak the words that killed him. The Storm That Speaks is reliably found near the Mausoleum, by the corpse of Albion's Sun]

    • Genericcharacter icon Isery ≥ 1 [Isery has boarded your engine.]

The veiled Queen is walking beside you, the stone Cup in her hands. When you reach the lake, she kneels and places the Cup in the water—

—and you are standing before the Storm once again, with Isery and the portrait of a Queen. The Martyr-King's Cup is returned to its true shape. A screaming, swirling, tumultuous vortex of souls, enormous and hungry enough to swallow your engine whole, flashing with sparks of light and tongues of flame.

"It's beautiful," murmurs Isery, wiping a tear from their eye.

Game note: This will bring your Ambition to an end.

Ambition: Begin the Unseen Queen's ritual
You step into the High Wilderness with the portrait of the Queen under one arm. You walk a path of moonlight beneath the rumbling storm.
    • Genericcharacter icon The Dismal Chamberlain ≥ 1 [The Dismal Chamberlain has boarded your engine.]

    • Martyrkingscup icon Ambition: The Martyr-King's Cup = 22 [You must travel to the Storm That Speaks and have a dying quester speak the words that killed him. The Storm That Speaks is reliably found near the Mausoleum, by the corpse of Albion's Sun]

The veiled Queen is walking beside you, the humble stone Cup in her hands. When you reach the lake, she kneels and places the Cup in the water—

—and you are standing before the Storm once again, with the elderly Chamberlain and the portrait of a Queen. The Martyr-King's Cup has been returned to its true shape. A screaming, swirling, tumultuous vortex of souls, enormous and hungry enough to swallow your engine whole, flashing with sparks of light and tongues of flame.

"It's beautiful," murmurs the Chamberlain, wiping a tear from his eye.

Game note: This will bring your Ambition to an end.

Read a word the lightning wrote
The lightning flickers and scrawls. Its afterimages remind you of the engravings on an Otherwordly Artefact you discovered on your travels...
Failed event Advanced query needs investigation

Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Game note: The Storm's patience has worn out. If for some reason, you wish to repeat this event, you will need to return another time.

Game note: You will always gain something, but at what cost?

Fixing the artefact to your engine's headlight, you project a complex pattern of light onto the clouds. The winds writhe. The lightning is roused. It lashes out, inscribing a violent, violet sigil on the sky. One stroke brushes your engine. Plating melts, a cylinder bursts; steam jets into occupied cabins.

A number of your crew were blinded when the sigil branded itself into their eyes. Others are killed by the steam. Your thoughts are splintered. It is a day and a night before you can remember your name. One of your blind crew understands what it reads. She whispers it, over and over. The erroneous assumption that there will be a tomorrow.

Successful event
Fixing the artefact to your engine's headlight, you project a complex pattern of light onto the clouds.

The lightning answers. A colossal knot of violent, violet light stabs through the sky. A sigil of fire! The thunder roars. Your crew wail and shriek. One stoker's hair bursts into flame. Another clutches at her seared eyes. The sigil's meaning is branded into your mind: the erroneous assumption that there will be a tomorrow.

When you blink, you see it. When you sleep you will see it. When you die you will see it.

Read a word the lightning wrote
The lightning flickers and scrawls. Its afterimages remind you of the engravings on an Otherwordly Artefact you discovered on your travels...
Failed event Advanced query needs investigation

Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Game note: The Storm's patience has worn out. If for some reason, you wish to repeat this event, you will need to return another time.

Game note: You will always gain something, but at what cost?

Fixing the artefact to your engine's headlight, you project a complex pattern of light onto the clouds. The winds writhe. The lightning is roused. It lashes out, inscribing a violent, violet sigil on the sky. One stroke brushes your engine. Plating melts, a cylinder bursts; steam jets into occupied cabins.

A number of your crew were blinded when the sigil branded itself into their eyes. Others are killed by the steam. Your thoughts are splintered. It is a day and a night before you can remember your name. One of your blind crew understands what it reads. She whispers it, over and over. The erroneous assumption that there will be a tomorrow.

Successful event
Fixing the artefact to your engine's headlight, you project a complex pattern of light onto the clouds.

The lightning answers. A colossal knot of violent, violet light stabs through the sky. A sigil of fire! The thunder roars. Your crew wail and shriek. One stoker's hair bursts into flame. Another clutches at her seared eyes. The sigil's meaning is branded into your mind: the erroneous assumption that there will be a tomorrow.

When you blink, you see it. When you sleep you will see it. When you die you will see it.

Read a word the lightning wrote
The lightning flickers and scrawls. Its afterimages remind you of the engravings on an Otherwordly Artefact you discovered on your travels...
Failed event Advanced query needs investigation

Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Game note: The Storm's patience has worn out. If for some reason, you wish to repeat this event, you will need to return another time.

Game note: You will always gain something, but at what cost?

Fixing the artefact to your engine's headlight, you project a complex pattern of light onto the clouds. The winds writhe. The lightning is roused. It lashes out, inscribing a violent, violet sigil on the sky. One stroke brushes your engine. Plating melts, a cylinder bursts; steam jets into occupied cabins.

A number of your crew were blinded when the sigil branded itself into their eyes. Others are killed by the steam. Your thoughts are splintered. It is a day and a night before you can remember your name. One of your blind crew understands what it reads. She whispers it, over and over. The erroneous assumption that there will be a tomorrow.

Successful event
Fixing the artefact to your engine's headlight, you project a complex pattern of light onto the clouds.

The lightning answers. A colossal knot of violent, violet light stabs through the sky. A sigil of fire! The thunder roars. Your crew wail and shriek. One stoker's hair bursts into flame. Another clutches at her seared eyes. The sigil's meaning is branded into your mind: the erroneous assumption that there will be a tomorrow.

When you blink, you see it. When you sleep you will see it. When you die you will see it.

Record the word the lightning wrote
The lightning flickers and scrawls. Its afterimages remind you of the engravings on an artefact you discovered on your travels...
Failed event Advanced query needs investigation

Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Game note: The Storm's patience has worn out. If for some reason, you wish to repeat this event, you will need to return another time.

Game note: You will always gain something, but at what cost?

Fixing the artefact to your engine's headlight, you project a complex pattern of light onto the clouds. The winds writhe. The lightning is roused. It lashes out. One stroke brushes your engine. Plating melts, a cylinder bursts; steam jets into occupied cabins.
Successful event
You hold the artefact to the storm, and the lightning answers. A colossal knot of violent, violet light stabs through the sky. The thunder roars. One stoker's hair bursts into flame. Another clutches at her seared eyes.

The meaning is branded into your mind: the erroneous assumption that there will be a tomorrow.

When you blink, you see it. When you sleep you will see it. At the moment of your death, you will see it.

Sacrifice Undistinguished Souls to appease the Storm
Perhaps, among them, there will be one that catches the storm's fancy.

Game note: This may allay the Storm's wrath. The odds are against you, but you can try as many times as you have souls to offer.

Rare event (25%)
Sacrifice Immaculate Souls to appease the Storm
Undoubtedly, one of these glorious specimens will suffice.

Game note: This will always work.

Speak to the Storm
Lightning flickers in the clouds, shedding gargantuan shadows that tower over your engine. Are there secrets to be learned from the Storm?
Failed event Advanced query needs investigation
The Storm roars
A blast of thunder judders your engine, shaking screws loose from plating. The voices in the storm quickly fall silent. Has your impertinence angered the Storm that Speaks? A stab of admonitory lightning flashes past your engine, missing by pointed inches. A warning, perhaps.
Successful event
The Storm speaks back
The voices on the wind rise in answer. One crewman makes out the sound of his mother, calling him home. Another hears the sweetheart they left behind. A third hears a guttural, questioning voice – his knuckles whiten on the spanner he's carrying. The voices are indiscreet. You learn much about your crew. And you? What do you hear? You search for familiar voices among the clamour. There! Origin: Academic(Storm1)Origin: Auditor(Storm1)Origin: Poet(Storm1)Origin: Soldier(Storm1)Origin: Zailor(Storm1)Origin: Priest(Storm1)Origin: Revolutionary(Storm1)Origin: Urchin(Storm1)
Partial success event (5%)
The odd one out
You watch the faces of your crew as they hear the voices of old loves and old enemies, old friends, of the dead, the lost, the forgotten. You listen to the things the voices say. You learn a great deal. The Storm That Schemes(odd_one)
Leave the eye of the storm
The journey back will not be pleasant.
You fasten your straps, fire the engines, and head back into the winds and thunder and lightning.


Links In[]

Links Out[]

Sigil16 The Erroneous Assumption That There Will be a Tomorrow, The Martyr-King's Cup

Template:Navbox story events
