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The Strength of the Sun
Category Profile
Type Events
Data ID 134260

The Strength of the Sun is considered a Profile Item Events in Sunless Skies.

MajorLateral description[]

"Some say that the Clockwork Sun was brighter, once. But they say it quietly, and lie about it afterwards."


Quality status[]

The Strength of the Sun has different statuses according to your actions, defined by the comment in front of the quality.

Journal description[]

  • [0] Faltering
  • [34] Dulled
  • [67] Bright
  • [90] Searing

Decreased Interaction description[]

These desciptions appear specifically when the value decreases.

  • [99] The Clockwork Sun declines.

Variable Interaction description[]

These desciptions appear when a specific group is called for text.


  • [0] The Sun's light is thin and nauseous, flecking the horizon with a poisonous white-gold light. Looking closer, you can see the machinery around the Sun is still. Half lies in darkness, and the other in a sad semi twilight.
  • [33] The Sun's rays wash over Albion from corner to corner, like a pale tide. Its light waxes and wanes, sometimes burnished gold, sometimes grey-gold as a parliamentarian's beard. Looking closer, you can see activity on the sun. Sporadically, it turns, its terrible machinery spinning. Occasionally it hits resistance, and judders to a halt.
  • [66] The Sun's rays shine from Albion's farthest corner to London in all its glory. Gold as bright as a king's hoard burnishes the Empire in radiance. The Sun never dims. You draw away, dazzled.
  • [90] You press your eye to the telescope and —HESUNTHESUNTHESUNTHESUNTHESUNTHESUNTHESUNTHESUNT-


Interactions in Brief[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Interaction Action Result Type Change
Enter Carillon's Foyer 'Do your duty' Default / Challenge Fail +10
Enter Carillon's Foyer 'Turn a blind eye' Default / Challenge Fail -10
The Parting Glade 'Begin your service of a year and a day' Default / Challenge Fail -50
Explore Port Prosper 'Sabotage the loom' Default / Challenge Fail +10
Explore Port Prosper 'Cut a deal with the criminal' Default / Challenge Fail -10
Explore Port Prosper 'Stay out of it' Default / Challenge Fail -10
Explore London 'Bring Percy Blythe Home' Default / Challenge Fail -10
Explore London 'Deliver the Dignity of Albion Bill to the Throne of Hours' Default / Challenge Fail +25
Explore London 'Deliver the Dignity of Albion Bill to the Throne of Hours' Default / Challenge Fail +25
Explore Lustrum 'Report the miners to the Windward Company' Default / Challenge Fail +10
Explore Lustrum 'Turn a blind eye' Default / Challenge Fail -10
Explore Lustrum 'Turn a blind eye... for a price...' Default / Challenge Fail -10
The Ministry of Public Decency 'Deliver your port reports to the Genial Auditor' Default / Challenge Fail + [q:135681]
Treasonous Talk in the Victoria Tower 'Push the traitor from the Tower' Default / Challenge Fail +10
Treasonous Talk in the Victoria Tower 'Push him from the Tower' Default / Challenge Fail +10
A Disturbance at the Yards 'Help the Conductor' Default / Challenge Fail +10
A Disturbance at the Yards 'Keep quiet and stay back' Default / Challenge Fail +10
The Careful Masquerader 'Commit treason' Default / Challenge Fail -5
The Careful Masquerader 'Commit a treachery' Default / Challenge Fail -25
The Royal Horological Office 'Submit your Observations on Mended Wefts' Default / Challenge Fail + 3*[q:134621]
The Parlour 'Ambition: Establish a spider-council here' Default / Challenge Fail -10
The Bit Between 'Ambition: Establish a spider-council here' Default / Challenge Fail -10
A Tour of Brabazon Workworld 'Turn a blind eye' Default / Challenge Fail -5
A Tour of Brabazon Workworld 'Turn a blind eye... for a price...' Default / Challenge Fail -5
A Tour of Brabazon Workworld 'Report the unlicensed loom' Default / Challenge Fail +5
The Backstreets of Brabazon Workworld 'Turn a blind eye' Default / Challenge Fail -5
The Backstreets of Brabazon Workworld 'Turn a blind eye... for a price...' Default / Challenge Fail -5
The Backstreets of Brabazon Workworld 'Report the unlicensed loom' Default / Challenge Fail +5
The Headquarters 'The uprising is beginning' Default / Challenge Fail -10
Industrial Unrest! 'Witness negotiations' Default / Challenge Fail +25
The Clocks Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Default / Challenge Fail -2
The Clocks Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Rare Event -2
The Clocks Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Success +5
The Clocks Must Run On Time 'Leave it as it is' Default / Challenge Fail -2
The Clocks Must Run On Time 'Sabotage the clock' Default / Challenge Fail -5
The Clocks Must Run On Time 'Sabotage the clock' Success -5
The Clocks Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Default / Challenge Fail -2
The Clocks Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Rare Event -2
The Clocks Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Success +5
The Clocks Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Default / Challenge Fail -2
The Clocks Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Rare Event -2
The Clocks Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Success +5
The Clocks Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Default / Challenge Fail -2
The Clocks Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Rare Event -2
The Clocks Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Success +5
The Clocks Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Default / Challenge Fail -2
The Clocks Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Rare Event -2
The Clocks Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Success +5
The Clocks Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Default / Challenge Fail -2
The Clocks Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Rare Event -2
The Clocks Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Success +5
The Clocks Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Default / Challenge Fail -2
The Clocks Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Rare Event -2
The Clocks Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Success +5
The Clocks Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Default / Challenge Fail -2
The Clocks Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Rare Event -2
The Clocks Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Success +5
The Clocks Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Default / Challenge Fail -2
The Clocks Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Rare Event -2
The Clocks Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Success +5
The New Street Line's Garret 'Campaign for the Firebrand Conductor's release' Default / Challenge Fail +10
The New Street Line's Garret 'Campaign for the Firebrand Conductor's release' Success +10
The New Street Line's Garret 'Organise a mass escape from a workworld' Success -5
The Clockwork Sun 'Write a Port Report' Requirement ≥ 40
The Clockwork Sun 'Write a Port Report' Requirement ≤ 39
The Clockwork Sun 'Head toward Azimuth' Requirement ≥ 40
The Clockwork Sun 'Head toward Azimuth' Requirement ≤ 39
The Clockwork Sun 'Write a Port Report' Requirement ≥ 40
The Clockwork Sun 'Write a Port Report' Requirement ≤ 39
A Race against Unravelling Time 'Disable the locks' Success -3
A Race against Unravelling Time 'Take an unpleasant alternative route' Success -3
A Race against Unravelling Time 'Rip the door from its hinges' Success -3
A Race against Unravelling Time 'Blow a hole in the Sun' Default / Challenge Fail -3
A Race against Unravelling Time 'Time's up' Default / Challenge Fail -10
The Steward Emerges from her Sanctum 'A return to the way things were' Default / Challenge Fail +6
The Similarly-Dazzled Steward 'Rally the engineers' Default / Challenge Fail -10
The Similarly-Dazzled Steward 'Rally the engineers' Success -5
The Similarly-Dazzled Steward 'Leave the engineers alone' Default / Challenge Fail -10
End of the Line 'Save yourself' Default / Challenge Fail +25
End of the Line 'Rescue the Stationmaster' Default / Challenge Fail +25
A Race against Time 'Prioritise fixing the ceiling' Default / Challenge Fail -2
A Race against Time 'No time' Default / Challenge Fail -2
The Mellifluous President 'Deliver a Port Report from Polmear & Plenty's Inconceivable Circus' Default / Challenge Fail +5
The Mellifluous President 'Deliver a Port Report from the Clockwork Sun' Default / Challenge Fail +5
The Mellifluous President 'Deliver a Port Report from the House of Rods and Chains' Default / Challenge Fail +5
The Mellifluous President 'Deliver a Port Report from the Clockwork Sun' Default / Challenge Fail +5
The Mellifluous President 'The President clears his throat' Default / Challenge Fail +5
UNSEEN: The Setting of the Sun 'undefined' Default / Challenge Fail + -1 - (([d:2] - 1) * [q:134826])
The Office of Works '"'Ere we go: order eight-four-four-six-dash-dee."' Default / Challenge Fail +10
The Office of Works '"'Ere we are. Order eight-oh-nine-dash-jay."' Default / Challenge Fail +10
The Office of Works '"Ah! Order nine-eight-two-one-dash-cee. Properly urgent this one. I'm parched."' Default / Challenge Fail +10
The Office of Works '"Oh yes. Work order seven-seven-seven-seven-dash-jee."' Default / Challenge Fail +10
The Office of Works '"I suppose there's this one: good old seven-two-seven-four-dash-eff."' Default / Challenge Fail +10
The Solarium 'Make polite conversation' Requirement ≤ 66
The Solarium 'Listen to their song' Requirement ≥ 67
The Glorious Dreadnought is Defeated 'Destroy the remains' Default / Challenge Fail -5
The Glorious Dreadnought is Defeated 'Loot the hold' Default / Challenge Fail -5
The Glorious Dreadnought is Defeated 'Lead a search of the crew quarters' Default / Challenge Fail -3
The Glorious Dreadnought is Defeated 'Lead a search of the crew quarters' Success -3
UNSEEN: The Winchester War Thunders On Default / Challenge Fail -10
UNSEEN: The Winchester War Thunders On Default / Challenge Fail +10
UNSEEN: The Winchester War Thunders On Default / Challenge Fail +10
UNSEEN: The Winchester War Thunders On Default / Challenge Fail -10
The Omnivorous Publisher 'You are the Saviour of the Sun' Requirement ≥ 90
The London Embassy 'Smuggle Artefacts into the Empyrean' Default / Challenge Fail +5
The London Embassy 'Smuggle Secrets into the Empyrean' Default / Challenge Fail +5
The Clocks in the Eagle's Empyrean 'Correct the time and date' Default / Challenge Fail -2
The Clocks in the Eagle's Empyrean 'Correct the time and date' Rare Event -2
The Clocks in the Eagle's Empyrean 'Correct the time and date' Success +5
The Clocks in the Eagle's Empyrean 'Leave it as it is' Default / Challenge Fail -2
The Clocks in the Eagle's Empyrean 'Sabotage the clock' Default / Challenge Fail -5
The Clocks in the Eagle's Empyrean 'Sabotage the clock' Success -5
The Clocks in the Eagle's Empyrean 'Correct the time and date' Default / Challenge Fail -2
The Clocks in the Eagle's Empyrean 'Correct the time and date' Rare Event -2
The Clocks in the Eagle's Empyrean 'Correct the time and date' Success +5
The Clocks in the Eagle's Empyrean 'Correct the time and date' Default / Challenge Fail -2
The Clocks in the Eagle's Empyrean 'Correct the time and date' Rare Event -2
The Clocks in the Eagle's Empyrean 'Correct the time and date' Success +5
The Clocks in the Eagle's Empyrean 'Correct the time and date' Default / Challenge Fail -2
The Clocks in the Eagle's Empyrean 'Correct the time and date' Rare Event -2
The Clocks in the Eagle's Empyrean 'Correct the time and date' Success +5
The Clocks in the Eagle's Empyrean 'Correct the time and date' Default / Challenge Fail -2
The Clocks in the Eagle's Empyrean 'Correct the time and date' Rare Event -2
The Clocks in the Eagle's Empyrean 'Correct the time and date' Success +5
The Clocks in the Eagle's Empyrean 'Correct the time and date' Default / Challenge Fail -2
The Clocks in the Eagle's Empyrean 'Correct the time and date' Rare Event -2
The Clocks in the Eagle's Empyrean 'Correct the time and date' Success +5
The Clocks in the Eagle's Empyrean 'Correct the time and date' Default / Challenge Fail -2
The Clocks in the Eagle's Empyrean 'Correct the time and date' Rare Event -2
The Clocks in the Eagle's Empyrean 'Correct the time and date' Success +5
The Clocks in the Eagle's Empyrean 'Correct the time and date' Default / Challenge Fail -2
The Clocks in the Eagle's Empyrean 'Correct the time and date' Rare Event -2
The Clocks in the Eagle's Empyrean 'Correct the time and date' Success +5
The Clocks in the Eagle's Empyrean 'Correct the time and date' Default / Challenge Fail -2
The Clocks in the Eagle's Empyrean 'Correct the time and date' Rare Event -2
The Clocks in the Eagle's Empyrean 'Correct the time and date' Success +5
The Sun's Daughter 'Hand over the Dignity of Albion Bill' Default / Challenge Fail -25
The Sands Run Down 'Shoot the Industrialist before he shoots you' Default / Challenge Fail + -[d:10]
The Punishment 'Guilty!' Default / Challenge Fail -10
The Punishment 'Guilty!' Default / Challenge Fail -10
Ambition: Be Cast into the Depths of Piranesi 'Claim credit for the current strength of the Clockwork Sun' Requirement ≥ 85
UNSEEN: WINCHESTER WAR 'undefined' Default / Challenge Fail -10
UNSEEN: WINCHESTER WAR 'undefined' Default / Challenge Fail +10
UNSEEN: WINCHESTER WAR 'undefined' Default / Challenge Fail +10
UNSEEN: WINCHESTER WAR 'undefined' Default / Challenge Fail -10
The Omnivorous Publisher 'You are the Saviour of the Sun' Requirement ≥ 90
The Clocks At Worlebury Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Default / Challenge Fail -2
The Clocks At Worlebury Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Rare Event -2
The Clocks At Worlebury Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Success +5
The Clocks At Worlebury Must Run On Time 'Leave it as it is' Default / Challenge Fail -2
The Clocks At Worlebury Must Run On Time 'Sabotage the clock' Default / Challenge Fail -5
The Clocks At Worlebury Must Run On Time 'Sabotage the clock' Success -5
The Clocks At Worlebury Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Default / Challenge Fail -2
The Clocks At Worlebury Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Rare Event -2
The Clocks At Worlebury Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Success +5
The Clocks At Worlebury Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Default / Challenge Fail -2
The Clocks At Worlebury Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Rare Event -2
The Clocks At Worlebury Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Success +5
The Clocks At Worlebury Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Default / Challenge Fail -2
The Clocks At Worlebury Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Rare Event -2
The Clocks At Worlebury Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Success +5
The Clocks At Worlebury Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Default / Challenge Fail -2
The Clocks At Worlebury Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Rare Event -2
The Clocks At Worlebury Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Success +5
The Clocks At Worlebury Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Default / Challenge Fail -2
The Clocks At Worlebury Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Rare Event -2
The Clocks At Worlebury Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Success +5
The Clocks At Worlebury Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Default / Challenge Fail -2
The Clocks At Worlebury Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Rare Event -2
The Clocks At Worlebury Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Success +5
The Clocks At Worlebury Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Default / Challenge Fail -2
The Clocks At Worlebury Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Rare Event -2
The Clocks At Worlebury Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Success +5
The Clocks At Worlebury Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Default / Challenge Fail -2
The Clocks At Worlebury Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Rare Event -2
The Clocks At Worlebury Must Run On Time 'Correct the time and date' Success +5

Interactions in Detail[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Action Required Effect
Enter Carillon's Foyer Do your duty None Default:
    • Fuel icon +10 x The Strength of the Sun
Turn a blind eye None Default:
    • Fuel icon -10 x The Strength of the Sun

The Parting Glade Begin your service of a year and a day Default:

Explore Port Prosper Sabotage the loom None Default:
    • Fuel icon +10 x The Strength of the Sun
Cut a deal with the criminal None Default:
    • Fuel icon -10 x The Strength of the Sun
Stay out of it None Default:
    • Fuel icon -10 x The Strength of the Sun

Explore London Bring Percy Blythe Home Default:
Deliver the Dignity of Albion Bill to the Throne of Hours Default:
Deliver the Dignity of Albion Bill to the Throne of Hours Default:

Explore Lustrum Report the miners to the Windward Company None Default:
    • Fuel icon +10 x The Strength of the Sun
Turn a blind eye None Default:
    • Fuel icon -10 x The Strength of the Sun
Turn a blind eye... for a price... None Default:

The Ministry of Public Decency Deliver your port reports to the Genial Auditor Default:

Treasonous Talk in the Victoria Tower Push the traitor from the Tower Default:
Push him from the Tower None Default:

A Disturbance at the Yards Help the Conductor None Default:
Keep quiet and stay back None Default:

The Careful Masquerader Commit treason Default:
Commit a treachery Default:

The Royal Horological Office Submit your Observations on Mended Wefts Default:

The Parlour Ambition: Establish a spider-council here Default:

The Bit Between Ambition: Establish a spider-council here Default:

A Tour of Brabazon Workworld Turn a blind eye None Default:
Turn a blind eye... for a price... None Default:
Report the unlicensed loom None Default:
    • Fuel icon +5 x The Strength of the Sun

The Backstreets of Brabazon Workworld Turn a blind eye None Default:
Turn a blind eye... for a price... None Default:
Report the unlicensed loom None Default:
    • Fuel icon +5 x The Strength of the Sun

The Headquarters The uprising is beginning Default:

Industrial Unrest! Witness negotiations Default:

The Clocks Must Run On Time Correct the time and date Default: Rare: Success:
Leave it as it is None Default:
Sabotage the clock Default: Success:
Correct the time and date Default: Rare: Success:
Correct the time and date Default: Rare: Success:
Correct the time and date Default: Rare: Success:
Correct the time and date Default: Rare: Success:
Correct the time and date Default: Rare: Success:
Correct the time and date Default: Rare: Success:
Correct the time and date Default: Rare: Success:
Correct the time and date Default: Rare: Success:

The New Street Line's Garret Campaign for the Firebrand Conductor's release Default: Success:
Organise a mass escape from a workworld Success:

The Clockwork Sun Head toward Azimuth
    • Fuel icon The Strength of the Sun ≥ 40
Head toward Azimuth
    • Fuel icon The Strength of the Sun ≤ 39
Write a Port Report Default:
Write a Port Report Default:
Write a Port Report Default:
Write a Port Report Default:

A Race against Unravelling Time Disable the locks Success:
Take an unpleasant alternative route Success:
Rip the door from its hinges Success:
Blow a hole in the Sun Default:
Time's up Default:

The Steward Emerges from her Sanctum A return to the way things were None Default:

The Similarly-Dazzled Steward Rally the engineers Default: Success:
Leave the engineers alone None Default:

End of the Line Save yourself None Default:
    • Lantern icon New Street Line = 30 [You are a Conductor-in-Exile; your part in the New Street Line is over]
    • Fuel icon +25 x The Strength of the Sun
Rescue the Stationmaster None Default:
    • Lantern icon New Street Line = 30 [You are a Conductor-in-Exile; your part in the New Street Line is over]
    • Fuel icon +25 x The Strength of the Sun

A Race against Time Prioritise fixing the ceiling Default:
No time None Default:

The Mellifluous President Deliver a Port Report from Polmear & Plenty's Inconceivable Circus Default:
Deliver a Port Report from the Clockwork Sun Default:
Deliver a Port Report from the House of Rods and Chains Default:
Deliver a Port Report from the Clockwork Sun Default:
The President clears his throat Default:

UNSEEN: The Setting of the Sun undefined None Default:

The Office of Works "'Ere we go: order eight-four-four-six-dash-dee." Default:
"'Ere we are. Order eight-oh-nine-dash-jay." Default:
"Ah! Order nine-eight-two-one-dash-cee. Properly urgent this one. I'm parched." Default:
"Oh yes. Work order seven-seven-seven-seven-dash-jee." Default:
"I suppose there's this one: good old seven-two-seven-four-dash-eff." Default:

The Solarium Make polite conversation Default:
Listen to their song Default:

The Glorious Dreadnought is Defeated Destroy the remains Default:
Loot the hold Default:
Lead a search of the crew quarters Default: Success:

UNSEEN: The Winchester War Thunders On Default:

The Omnivorous Publisher You are the Saviour of the Sun Default:
You are the Saviour of the Sun Default:

The London Embassy Smuggle Artefacts into the Empyrean Default:
Smuggle Secrets into the Empyrean Default:

The Clocks in the Eagle's Empyrean Correct the time and date Default: Rare: Success:
Leave it as it is None Default:
Sabotage the clock Default: Success:
Correct the time and date Default: Rare: Success:
Correct the time and date Default: Rare: Success:
Correct the time and date Default: Rare: Success:
Correct the time and date Default: Rare: Success:
Correct the time and date Default: Rare: Success:
Correct the time and date Default: Rare: Success:
Correct the time and date Default: Rare: Success:
Correct the time and date Default: Rare: Success:

The Sun's Daughter Hand over the Dignity of Albion Bill Default:

The Sands Run Down Shoot the Industrialist before he shoots you
    • Iron icon Iron (119 for 100%)

The Punishment Guilty! Default:
Guilty! Default:

Ambition: Be Cast into the Depths of Piranesi Claim credit for the current strength of the Clockwork Sun
    • Fuel icon The Strength of the Sun ≥ 85

UNSEEN: WINCHESTER WAR undefined Default:
undefined Default:
undefined Default:
undefined Default:

The Clocks At Worlebury Must Run On Time Correct the time and date Default: Rare: Success:
Leave it as it is None Default:
Sabotage the clock Default: Success:
Correct the time and date Default: Rare: Success:
Correct the time and date Default: Rare: Success:
Correct the time and date Default: Rare: Success:
Correct the time and date Default: Rare: Success:
Correct the time and date Default: Rare: Success:
Correct the time and date Default: Rare: Success:
Correct the time and date Default: Rare: Success:
Correct the time and date Default: Rare: Success:

Triggered Events[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Requirements Type Location
UNSEEN: The Setting of the Sun
    • The Strength of the Sun ≥ 1
    • Timer: Dying of the Light
Story Event (Always :100%) The Sky

Skills Iron icon Iron Mirrors icon Mirrors Hearts icon Hearts Veils icon Veils
Affiliations Affiliationacadame icon Affiliation: Academe Affiliationbohemia icon Affiliation: Bohemia Affiliationestablishment icon Affiliation: Establishment Affiliationvillainy icon Affiliation: Villainy
Events Boot icon Fortunes: Tacketies Stovepipe icon Fortunes: Stovepipes Verdantseeds icon Dominant in the Reach Fuel icon The Strength of the Sun
Reputations Boot icon Reputation: The Tacketies Stovepipe icon Reputation: The Windward Company Smuggling icon Reputation: Smugglers
Soul Drink icon Stained
Drink icon Penance: Excess
Hunger icon Fermented
Hunger icon Penance: Deprivation
Bloody icon Cold
Bloody icon Penance: Ordeal
Mirrors icon Lightless
Mirrors icon Penance: Enlightenment
Pastscandal icon Flickering
Pastscandal icon Penance: Inescapable Truth
Iron icon Clear
Iron icon Penance: Endurance
Fire icon Curdled
Fire icon Penance: Shift of Perspective
Bloody icon Penance
Choristernectar icon Penance: Indulgence
Peculiarities Crew icon Another One, Lost Unaccountablypeckish icon Unaccountably Peckish Unaccountablypeckish icon A Red-Lipped Legacy Affiliationbohemia icon A Taste for the Bottle
Wastewaif icon Attention: the Waste-Waif Stormthatspeaks icon Attention: the Storm that Speaks Burrowerbelow icon Attention: the Burrower Below
Well green icon Endured the Rite of Wrongs Well purple icon Endured the Rite of the Rack Well yellow icon Endured the Rite of Raving Well yellow icon Endured the Rite of Wedlock
Tea icon A Connoisseur of Fine Teas: Empress' Favour Tea icon A Connoisseur of Fine Teas: Eleutherian Gold Tea icon A Connoisseur of Fine Teas: Indulgence Blend Tea icon A Connoisseur of Fine Teas: Midnight's Favour
Portprosper icon Westward Reputation Portprosper icon Eastward Reputation
Lantern icon New Street Line Horologist icon Royal Horological Office
Avidhorizon icon Introduced at the Home Office Clock icon Hours of the Avid Horizon Unaccountablypeckish icon An Offering Made Ministryliterature icon Casting Doubt
Pastscarred icon Embraced by the Displeased Navarantinegemstones icon Embraced by the Sanctified Book icon Embraced by the Supralapsarians Crimsonpromise icon The Names of Missing Saints
Bloody icon Winter's Reside: Something More Than Revolutionary Bloody icon Winter's Reside: Season's Passing Devilshell icon Hell's Sacrist