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Titania Funding
Category Hidden
Type Reach: Titania_2
Data ID 136786

Titania Funding is considered a Hidden Quality Reach: Titania_2 in Sunless Skies.

Hidden description[]

"The fundraising required to continue building Titania. Donate to reduce it, or return with a future Captain."


Hidden Qualities are used to track various things and are invisble to the player.

Quality status[]

Titania Funding has different statuses according to your actions, defined by the comment in front of the quality.

Variable Interaction description[]

These desciptions appear when a specific group is called for text.


  • [0] 100%
  • [10] 90%
  • [20] 80%
  • [30] 70%
  • [40] 60%
  • [50] 50%
  • [60] 40%
  • [70] 30%
  • [80] 20%
  • [90] 10%
  • [100] 0%


Interactions in Brief[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Interaction Action Result Type Change
Oberon's Landing 'Advise on Titania's next upgrade' Requirement ≤ 0
Oberon's Landing 'Contribute funds to Titania' Requirement ≥ 1
The Titania Redevelopment Committee 'Advocate for a Salon' Default / Challenge Fail = 100
The Titania Redevelopment Committee 'Advocate for a Museum' Default / Challenge Fail = 100
The Titania Redevelopment Committee 'Advocate for a Scientific Enclave' Default / Challenge Fail = 100
The Titania Redevelopment Committee 'Advocate for a nature reserve' Default / Challenge Fail = 100
The Titania Redevelopment Committee 'Advocate for a Poetry Academy' Default / Challenge Fail = 100
The Titania Redevelopment Committee 'Advocate for a Theatre' Default / Challenge Fail = 100
A New Start For Titania 'Advocate for an Albion style' Default / Challenge Fail = 100
A New Start For Titania 'Advocate for an Eleutherian aesthetic' Default / Challenge Fail = 100
Donating to Titania 'Contribute five hundred sovereigns' Requirement ≥ 50
Donating to Titania 'Contribute five hundred sovereigns' Default / Challenge Fail -50
Donating to Titania 'Contribute a hundred Sovereigns' Requirement ≥ 10
Donating to Titania 'Contribute a hundred Sovereigns' Default / Challenge Fail -10
Donating to Titania 'Contribute a thousand sovereigns' Requirement ≥ 100
Donating to Titania 'Contribute a thousand sovereigns' Default / Challenge Fail = 0
Donating to Titania 'Fund the next stage of Titania' Requirement ≥ 1
Donating to Titania 'Fund the next stage of Titania' Default / Challenge Fail = 0
The Benthic Enclave at Root's End 'Advocate for an observatory' Default / Challenge Fail = 100
The Benthic Enclave at Root's End 'Advocate for a workshop' Default / Challenge Fail = 100
The Benthic Enclave at Root's End 'Advocate for a Great Exhibition' Default / Challenge Fail = 100
The Gardens of Petal End 'Advocate for a Water Garden' Default / Challenge Fail = 100
The Gardens of Petal End 'Advocate for the House of Cavy' Default / Challenge Fail = 100
The Gardens of Petal End 'Advocate for a Farm' Default / Challenge Fail = 100
The Museum in Bloom Bower 'Advocate for an Imperial Museum' Default / Challenge Fail = 100
The Museum in Bloom Bower 'Advocate for an Art Museum' Default / Challenge Fail = 100
The Museum in Bloom Bower 'Advocate for a Great Library' Default / Challenge Fail = 100
The Salon just off Valentine Square 'Advocate for a pub' Default / Challenge Fail = 100
The Salon just off Valentine Square 'Advocate for a tea shop' Default / Challenge Fail = 100
The Salon just off Valentine Square 'Advocate for a Speaker's Corner' Default / Challenge Fail = 100
The Academy in Bloom Bower 'Advocate for the Nocturnal School' Default / Challenge Fail = 100
The Academy in Bloom Bower 'Advocate for the Mycological School' Default / Challenge Fail = 100
The Academy in Bloom Bower 'Advocate for the Bazaarine School' Default / Challenge Fail = 100
The Theatre of Roses Deep 'Advocate for Thalia' Default / Challenge Fail = 100
The Theatre of Roses Deep 'Advocate for Melpomene' Default / Challenge Fail = 100
The Theatre of Roses Deep 'Advocate for Terpsichore' Default / Challenge Fail = 100
Attending an Art Exhibition 'Encourage a visitor to invest in Titania' Requirement ≥ 1
Attending an Art Exhibition 'Encourage a visitor to invest in Titania' Default / Challenge Fail -10
The Midnight Rose 'Siphon some funds towards creating a front for their contraband' Requirement ≥ 50
The Midnight Rose 'Siphon some funds towards creating a front for their contraband' Default / Challenge Fail -50

Interactions in Detail[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Action Required Effect
Oberon's Landing Advise on Titania's next upgrade Default:
Contribute funds to Titania Default:

The Titania Redevelopment Committee Advocate for a Salon Default:
Advocate for a Museum Default:
Advocate for a Scientific Enclave Default:
Advocate for a nature reserve Default:
Advocate for a Poetry Academy Default:
Advocate for a Theatre Default:

A New Start For Titania Advocate for an Albion style Default:
Advocate for an Eleutherian aesthetic Default:
Donating to Titania Contribute five hundred sovereigns Default:
Contribute a hundred Sovereigns Default:
Contribute a thousand sovereigns Default:
Fund the next stage of Titania Default:

The Benthic Enclave at Root's End Advocate for an observatory None Default:
Advocate for a workshop None Default:
Advocate for a Great Exhibition None Default:

The Gardens of Petal End Advocate for a Water Garden None Default:
Advocate for the House of Cavy None Default:
Advocate for a Farm None Default:

The Museum in Bloom Bower Advocate for an Imperial Museum None Default:
Advocate for an Art Museum None Default:
Advocate for a Great Library None Default:

The Salon just off Valentine Square Advocate for a pub None Default:
Advocate for a tea shop None Default:
Advocate for a Speaker's Corner None Default:

The Academy in Bloom Bower Advocate for the Nocturnal School None Default:
Advocate for the Mycological School None Default:
Advocate for the Bazaarine School None Default:

The Theatre of Roses Deep Advocate for Thalia None Default:
Advocate for Melpomene None Default:
Advocate for Terpsichore None Default:

Attending an Art Exhibition Encourage a visitor to invest in Titania Default:

The Midnight Rose Siphon some funds towards creating a front for their contraband
    • Titania icon Titania Funding ≥ 50

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