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Titania Port Damage
Category Hidden
Type Reach: Titania_2
Data ID 136775

Titania Port Damage is considered a Hidden Quality Reach: Titania_2 in Sunless Skies.

Hidden description[]

"Those blasted Chorister Bees. When damage gets too high, work grinds to a halt. For a while."


Hidden Qualities are used to track various things and are invisble to the player.

Quality status[]

Titania Port Damage has different statuses according to your actions, defined by the comment in front of the quality.

Variable Interaction description[]

These desciptions appear when a specific group is called for text.


  • [0] The port is presently undamaged."
  • [10] The port seems little damaged from recent Chorister Hive attacks.
  • [25] The Chorister Hive attacks may have slowed down the port's development, but they have not damaged its spirit.
  • [50] Despite the moderate damage from the Chorister Hive attacks, life goes on.
  • [75] Despite the serious damage from the Chorister Hive attacks, life goes on.
  • [90] Despite the intense damage from the Chorister Hive attacks, life goes on.


  • [0] 0%
  • [10] 10%
  • [20] 20%
  • [30] 30%
  • [40] 40%
  • [50] 50%
  • [60] 60%
  • [70] 70%
  • [80] 80%
  • [90] 90%
  • [100] 100%"


  • [1] The poets whistle as they repair the damage from the Chorister Hive's last visit.
  • [25] The damage from the Chorister Hive doesn't appear to have dampened the mood.
  • [50] Only the damage from the Chorister Hive's last attack spoils the atmosphere of this creative utopia.
  • [75] Everyone keeps glancing nervously at the broken dome.
  • [100] Everyone smiles as they try to repair their shattered port, but it grows harder with each collapsing dome.


Interactions in Brief[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Interaction Action Result Type Change
Oberon's Landing 'Advise on Titania's next upgrade' Requirement ≤ 0
Oberon's Landing 'Assist with Port Repairs' Requirement ≥ 1
Oberon's Landing 'Contribute funds to Titania' Requirement ≤ 0
Oberon's Landing 'Meet with the Rhapsodic Mayor' Requirement ≤ 0
DIES IRAE, DIES APIS! 'Help defend Titania' Default / Challenge Fail +50
DIES IRAE, DIES APIS! 'Help defend Titania' Success +30
DIES IRAE, DIES APIS! 'Flee the bee-pocalypse' Default / Challenge Fail = 50
THE BEES! THE BEES! 'Rally to Titania's defence' Default / Challenge Fail + ([q:136790])*10
THE BEES! THE BEES! 'Rally to Titania's defence' Success + 10
THE BEES! THE BEES! 'Flee the bee-pocalypse' Default / Challenge Fail +30
Repairing Titania 'Contribute ten Sovereigns' Requirement ≥ 10
Repairing Titania 'Contribute ten Sovereigns' Default / Challenge Fail -10
Repairing Titania 'Contribute fifty Sovereigns' Requirement ≥ 50
Repairing Titania 'Contribute fifty Sovereigns' Default / Challenge Fail -50
Repairing Titania 'Contribute a hundred Sovereigns' Requirement ≥ 100
Repairing Titania 'Contribute a hundred Sovereigns' Default / Challenge Fail -100
Repairing Titania 'Contribute twenty Sovereigns' Requirement ≥ 20
Repairing Titania 'Contribute twenty Sovereigns' Default / Challenge Fail -20
Repairing Titania 'Pay for all port repairs' Requirement ≥ 1
Repairing Titania 'Pay for all port repairs' Default / Challenge Fail = 0

Interactions in Detail[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Action Required Effect
Oberon's Landing Advise on Titania's next upgrade Default:
Assist with Port Repairs Default:
Contribute funds to Titania Default:
Meet with the Rhapsodic Mayor
    • Titania icon Titania Port Damage ≤ 0

DIES IRAE, DIES APIS! Help defend Titania
Default: Success:
Flee the bee-pocalypse None Default:

THE BEES! THE BEES! Rally to Titania's defence Default: Success:
Flee the bee-pocalypse None Default:

Repairing Titania Contribute ten Sovereigns
    • Titania icon Titania Port Damage ≥ 10
Contribute fifty Sovereigns
    • Titania icon Titania Port Damage ≥ 50
Contribute a hundred Sovereigns
    • Titania icon Titania Port Damage ≥ 100
    • Titania icon -100 x Titania Port Damage
Contribute twenty Sovereigns
    • Titania icon Titania Port Damage ≥ 20
Pay for all port repairs Default:

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