Sunless Skies Wiki
Traitor's Wood
Traitorswood ambience
Traitor's Wood (Sidebar)
Located in The Reach
Ports The Palewood
Shops Ravenscourt & Stamford

Traitor's Wood is a port in the outer circle of the Reach, located in the same segment as Port Avon.

Log Entries[]

A forest of towering bronzewoods. The wind is full of fallen leaves. They rattle at your engine's windows.
A mist rises from the woods below. Your windows pale, as if something vast had breathed upon them.
A stoker sings, "I have nae home, nae love, nae gold. I have nae breath; my heart is cold. So fold my arms and raise my hood; and lay me down in Traitor's Wood."
Beneath you stretches a wood as wide as a sea. The boughs groan. The leaves whisper.

Incautious Driver: "I came here once. Don't remember why. A King? His Cup?”
The Clay Conductor frowns. "I do not see the point of trees."
The Eccentric sings in the engine room. Your crew gather at the door to listen.
The Inconvenient Aunt sneezes, her allergies oblivious to both the hull and distance from the Wood.
The Princess looks concerned. "Why would you name a wood after a traitor? A sewer, maybe..."
The Rat Brigade salutes. "We'll look after the engine if you go into the woods, Captain!'

The Forest's Edge[]

Traitor's Wood is a sprawling, secluded forest on the edge of the Reach. Few venture beneath its gloomy boughs, and legend speaks of a king who sleeps under the barrow at the wood's heart.

A Respite from Labour
Category Story Event
Type Story
Data ID 304135

A Respite from Labour[]

The distinguished retailers, Ravenscourt and Stamford, operate a small logging outpost in Traitor's Wood. Hours are long and employment is precarious: very seldom do the woodcutters and charcoal burners get a day off. Today is one of those rare occasions.

Trigger conditions

Calendar icon DateClock icon An Opportunity in Traitor's Wood,


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
The workers share picnics out on the meadow. An aged charcoal burner plays a fiddle.
Lay down your burdens
The workers make room for you on the grass. You sup on cold meats and flat wine under the boughs of the trees. Later, you play cards and dice until the fiddler strikes up again. A charcoal burner brings out some whisky she'd been saving. The singing lasts well into the night, and almost drowns out the sounds of the wood.
Offer stable employment
Skyfaring is a dangerous trade. But the work is consistent and the rewards, should they live to receive them, considerable.
Away, come away
Some are disinclined to step foot inside a locomotive again – the wood provides a respite for many of those unable to adapt to life in the skies. But there are a few intrepid souls in search of adventure or freedom or merely wanting to make the lives of Ravenscourt and Stamford a little more difficult. They sign on, leaving the woods behind them.
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Ask for wood for your hull
They have wood in abundance. Perhaps some might be donated to a sky-captain in need.
Felled giants
The workers are reluctant to interfere with Ravenscourt and Stamford's quotas, but your entreaties are persistent. You are pointed to a pile of lumber from trees recently felled by storms. A stolid lumberer confesses a superstition of the workers: these are whispering trees, struck down for their mumblings. The workers will not interfere with those. Your crew have no such qualms and set to work on repairing your engine.
Advanced query needs investigation

The Parting Glade
Category Story Event
Type Story
Data ID 269633

The Parting Glade[]

The forest rises behind the station, where a few tents have been set up. What might be an owl calls from somewhere in the wood. In the far distance, a great stone barrow rises over the trees. The Glade, an oasis of wildflowers and sweet meadow-field in the midst of the brooding trees, is where captains meet to do business and bring their ventures to the wood to conclusion.


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Begin your service of a year and a day
The Tamer whispers in your skull of where you must go.
The Tamer, whispering in the dark places behind your eyes, guides you through the vast acres of Traitor's Wood. She bids you put down the gun and take up the hoe, the axe, the scythe. Glades are pruned of whispering wildflowers; pleading trees carved down; babbling streams brooked and broken. Some groves are watered; others blooded. Not all voices are quieted – the wood is vast – but the wood is more silent from your passage.

And then, at last, your time is done. Quiet as a last breath, the Tamer slips from you. Your mind is silent again. You go to the station and wait for the officers appointed with minding your engine to return with what of your crew stayed.

Game note: Not all is as you remembered. Things have changed in your absence.

Game note: This will conclude the story of Traitor's Wood and advance the date by exactly a year and a day.

Return to the Dismal Paleographer
He has carried out the Tamer's task.
Debt paid
The Paleographer's hair is wild and his eyes are bright. He smiles and raises a hand to hail you. It is calloused and filthy with dried blood.

"Forgive my appearance! I haven't bathed in months!" He sighs. "I can't hear her anymore. But for a time I was her instrument! And it worked. Listen! Can you hear anything?" You cannot. His grin widens. "We couldn't tame the whole wood. But could quiet it, a little."

Another figure emerges from the wood. The Feckless Theologian. He runs to the Paleographer. You leave them alone.

Advanced query needs investigation

Game note: This will conclude the story of Traitor's Wood.

Return to the Vituperative Classicist
She has carried out the Tamer's task.
Debt paid
The Vituperative Classicist's hair is wild and her expression grim. Her hands are coated in dried blood. "Who'd have thought," she asks, "that a wood could have so much blood in it?"

She stands, unsteadily. "I have learned all I care to. Her voice is quiet, now." She laughs shrilly. "I think I shall become a veterinarian. Try to atone."

A figure emerges from the wood. The Feckless Theologian. He runs to the Classicist. You leave them alone.

Advanced query needs investigation

Game note: This will conclude the story of Traitor's Wood.

Return to the Feckless Theologian
He has carried out the Tamer's task.
Debt paid
No one is at the station. After some hours, it becomes apparent no one is coming. The forest is still as death.

Finally, the Dismal Paleographer and the Vituperative Classicist, approach from a nearby grove. "Have you found him?" asks the Classicist. Their faces fall at your answer. "Come on," says the Paleographer, already moving towards the boundary of the wood. "We'll keep looking."

"There are still a few voiced creatures in the woods," says the Classicist. "But the grave is empty." She turns away to follow the Paleographer.

Advanced query needs investigation

Game note: This will conclude the story of Traitor's Wood.

Approach the tents
A group of sad looking tents huddle together on the edge of the wood. Figures sit around a campfire, bickering.
The banners of Summerset College
You move through the damp of the wood, the ground beneath your feet slick with fresh-fallen rain. The figures round the campfire do not seem to have heard you; engrossed entirely in their argument.
Drop off a settler
You're here!

Recruit an Incautious Driver
They are trying to catch your attention. "I'm in need of work," they say, plaintively.
They squint at your locomotive and ask, "How sturdy is she? Just curious."

Game note: This will get you a Chief Engineer who will increase your Iron by 6, your Hearts by 2 and your Affiliation: Establishment by 1.

Find a mandrake
The Phlegmatic Researcher in the Leadbeater & Stainrod Nature Reserve wants one.
A grove of mandrakes grows on the outskirts of the wood. Their leaves reach out of the ground innocuously. Cotton is required for their mouths; their brief screams carry on the winds. Something deeper in the woods screams back.
Find a mandrake
The Phlegmatic Researcher in the Leadbeater & Stainrod Nature Reserve wants one.
A grove of mandrakes grows on the outskirts of the wood. Their leaves reach out of the ground innocuously. Cotton is required for their mouths; their brief screams carry on the winds. Something deeper in the woods screams back.
Flush out spies in Traitor's Wood
The town crier of New Winchester provided direction and instruction. If there are any spies, you'll find them in the dark of the wood.
The boughs of the wood sigh as you pass under them, lantern in hand. Your crew press behind you, as you vanish into the long dark of the forest.
Look for the Inscribed Tinkerer's Sigil
The gloom of Traitor's Wood hides much.
    • Skystory icon Inscriptions in the Sky = 1 [The Inscribed Tinkerer has asked you to find an example of the Correspondence at Traitor's Wood, the Most Serene Mausoleum, or Pan]

You follow the Tinkerer's instructions to the letter. A grove where hagswood bows under dappled starlight. A telescope of polished brass. A bowl of water. It is some hours before anything becomes visible in the sky, as the starlight washes away. And then, your navigator jogs your elbow. Pale, and broken, a few marks of faded flame are briefly visible on the barrow mound of the Regent's Grave. You sketch out the outline of the sigil in thick pen, and then immediately douse your hands and the page in the water.
Drop off Percy Blythe
The Lt Commander of the Parzifal has one last mission.
His eyes are golden, as though reflecting sunlight. His handshake is weak, and his voice rasps. His periods of lucidity have been intermittent, and fewer by the day.

He is alert now. "Captain. A reward. My medallions." He fumbles at his breast to unpin his stained medals. You are compelled to assist. He clutches your hand, before turning to face the darkening wood. "At last. We will know." A tremor passes through his body. "I should not be here. I should not have been kept from here."

He walks slowly into the Palewood. The trees bow as he passes, as though to embrace him. He does not look back.
Drop off Percy Blythe
The Lt Commander of the Parzifal has one last mission.
His eyes are golden, as though reflecting sunlight. His handshake is weak, and his voice rasps. His periods of lucidity have been intermittent, and fewer by the day.

He is alert now. "Captain. A reward. My medallions." He fumbles at his breast to unpin his stained medals. You are compelled to assist. He clutches your hand, before turning to face the pleasant gardens you made the wood into.

"No guardian now. My king, you should have let us come sooner." His smile is long and wide, like that of a rotting pumpkin. He whistles as he walks into the gardens. The tune is familiar.
    • Wreckgeneric icon Fate of the Parzifal = 70 [[COMPLETE]You brought Percy Blythe to Traitor's Wood, where he entered the gardens, apparently happy]

    • Sovereigns icon +500 x Sovereign

    • Drink icon Stained = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as over-rich, cindered and irrevocably damaged.]

    • Experience icon +1000 x Experience

    • Wreckgeneric icon Percy Blythe = 0 [Percy Blythe is gone.]

Hunt for creatures with the Cryptozoologist
One of the many horrors in this wood is bound to delight her.
An amazing discovery!
The Cryptozoologist grabs your arm. "Look! There!" And indeed, deep in the woods where little light can penetrate, you see a shape. Hunched over, covered with hair. The Cryptozoologist digs into her backpack and pulls out a blow-gun. "Tranquilliser," she explains, fitting an ungainly telescopic sight on top of it. Phwit. The dart strikes her target. With a howl of protest, it collapses. You follow the Cryptozoologist to the unconscious body of a bearded man in a thick coat. Undaunted, she heads back into the woods in search of a discovery that won't swear as much upon waking. You leave her before she can mistake you for her quarry.
Find a mandrake
The Phlegmatic Researcher in the Leadbeater & Stainrod Nature Reserve wants one.
A grove of mandrakes grows on the outskirts of the wood. Their leaves reach out of the ground innocuously. Cotton is required for their mouths; their brief screams carry on the winds. Something deeper in the woods screams back.
Find a mandrake
The Phlegmatic Researcher in the Leadbeater & Stainrod Nature Reserve wants one.
A grove of mandrakes grows on the outskirts of the wood. Their leaves reach out of the ground innocuously. Cotton is required for their mouths; their brief screams carry on the winds. Something deeper in the woods screams back.
Explore the Glade
Birds trill in nearby trees and the sweet scent of flowers pervades the air.
Far, far away
There is no one else here at present, but there are signs of recent passage: a discarded set of cups, from some clandestine picnic; loose paper, hastily torn from a notebook; a few bullets in scorched grass. People come to the glade to conduct meetings, as neutral ground, and as a place to think, secluded from the watchful gaze of the High Wilderness.
Write a Port Report
There's no one here, but perhaps someone will take an interest in how the Wood fares.
Outside of the Summerset camp, the great forest of Bronzewood trees has gone untouched by human hands. Voices sound in the deeps of the woods; forlorn and far away. The wood is vast and vastly lonely.

A Campfire
Category Story Event
Type Story
Data ID 300648

A Campfire[]

Three figures, draped in scholar's robes, huddle around a campfire. They are arguing about kings. A banner in the colours of Summerset, London University's most respectable college, gleams in the firelight. As you approach, the discussion dies. One of the scholars; a woman with a fierce expression, stands up. "Only scholars should be here. Are you one?"

Trigger conditions

Traitorswood icon Welcomed to Summerset ≤ 0,


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Yes. You are an academic.
And you will not have your credentials questioned by students.
Students of the grave
The scholars quiz you for a few minutes on your publication history; they have heard of one of your articles, and largely approved.

The woman is a Vituperative Classicist, her companions a Dismal Paleographer (a forlorn young man), and a Feckless Theologian (a handsome youth with an easy smile). They explain that they are here to enter the Regent's Grave, where they believe a sleeping king lies buried. They do not agree as to the king's identity.

"Unfortunately, the College has cut our funding," the Classicist explains. "Speak to us if you'd be interested in helping."
No, you are not
Perhaps a gift would persuade them to let you enter the camp. They look wretched, camped out here.
Students of the grave
The Vituperative Classicist compares your offering with the burnt toast and wan tea they had been suppering on. "Well, all right, I suppose."

The woman is a Vituperative Classicist, her companions a Dismal Paleographer (a forlorn young man), and a Feckless Theologian (a handsome youth with an easy smile). They explain that they are here to enter the Regent's Grave, where they believe a sleeping king lies buried. They do not agree as to the king's identity.

"Unfortunately, the College has cut our funding," the Classicist explains. "Speak to us if you'd be interested in helping."
No, but you have friends
You've spent enough time in academic circles that your name is spoken in favoured terms. They'll have heard of you.
Students of the grave
The scholars invite you to sit by the fire and share their food. They tell you scandakous stories of colleagues and advisers, until a chill wind rushes through the camp, scattering papers.

The woman is a Vituperative Classicist, her companions a Dismal Paleographer (a forlorn young man), and a Feckless Theologian (a handsome youth with an easy smile). They explain that they are here to enter the Regent's Grave, where they believe a sleeping king lies buried. They do not agree as to the king's identity.

"Unfortunately, the College has cut our funding," the Classicist explains. "Speak to us if you'd be interested in helping."

The Summerset Camp
Category Story Event
Type Story
Data ID 300659

The Summerset Camp[]

"The shadow of the barrow falls over the camp; a mournful wail carries on the wind. Entering the Regent's Grave(Summerset)"

Trigger conditions

Traitorswood icon Welcomed to Summerset ≥ 1


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Ask how you can help
The scholars intimated that you might be able to help them continue their explorations into the wood.
Into the woods
Your inquiry induces a rare spirit of cooperation in the scholars. "The last expedition into the woods found a document written in the Correspondence. It contained directions to a place called the Steward's Font," the Theologian explains.

Alas, that is all it needs to break their alliance. The Paleographer begins to argue that the Steward was a chief position in Charlemagne's household. The Classicist makes a pointed reference to Inanna's husband.

The Theologian's smile is forced. "If you could find the Font, it would be an immense boon to my work." There are sputters of protestation. "Our work."

Game note: You can begin Expeditions from 'Expeditions into the Deep of the Wood'.

Consult the scholars on opening the Gate
You have three seals to open the Regent's Grave. The scholars will be able to lend their expertise.
The scholars are waiting eagerly for your return; though they affect otherwise.
Speak to the Feckless Theologian
The divinity student has a dozen bad habits and a firm conviction that St John the Apostle slumbers in the Regent's Grave.
Speak to the Vituperative Classicist
The student of the ancient world is armed with more scorn than a vengeful goddess and a firm conviction that the Sumerian Queen of Heaven sleeps in the Regent's Grave.
Speak to the Dismal Paleographer
The forlorn student of medieval manuscripts believes that the Emperor Charlemagne lies in the Regent's Grave.
Wander the camp
It's deserted.
The remaining scholars packed up back to Summerset in London once you'd made your decision. They hope to salvage their careers, or at least, be somewhere warm and inside. A wind shivers the grass. The shadows lengthen over the camp.

The Wood's Edge
Category Story Event
Type Story
Data ID 301290

The Wood's Edge[]

"The wood is vast as a felled giant and fathomless as a great ocean. Like the ocean, much of it is hidden from view. Careful expeditions are required to go deeper into the wood. The forest is rich and wild in the verdant species of the Reach. Exploring the starlight-dappled edges of the wood could be profitable. "

Game note: You may only perform one of these actions a fortnight. The Wood guards its secrets.


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Gather flowers
The flora that grow in the shadow of the Regent's Grave are unique to this corner of the High Wilderness.
Failed event

Advanced query needs investigation

Game note: You may gain Verdant Seeds.

Drawn deeper
This quiet verge by a gushing, gurgling stream is adorned with flowers as bright as Navaratine gems. Your knees are soon green with grass stains as you probe the delicate flowers in search of seeds. Your crew assist, wandering the fringes of the forest in search of other flora. A stoker pulls you away from your work. A crew member is missing. They heard a woman's voice from deeper in the wood, and ventured further in. They do not return.
Successful event
Herbs of heaven
By a lake, grey as the eye of a storm, you find a promising patch of herbs, green and gold and wonderful. Your crew help you gather those that seem the least familiar, for surely those will fetch the highest price. Deeper in the wood, where the light is almost drowned by the thirsty silverwood trees, you find flowers of every hue of navarantine. You gather what you can.
Hunt in Traitor's Wood
The game in the forest is unparalleled. The glories of the sport it offers are spoken of even in the hunting lodges of Port Avon.
Failed event

Advanced query needs investigation Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Game note: You may gain a Caged Catch.

The wood's tithing
A trail of cloven hoof-prints lead into the wood. Taking your sharpest gunners, you track their maker. Gloom turns to dark as you head deeper into the forest. Twigs snap beneath your feet, as loud as breaking bones. The wood around you is entirely silent. How long has it been like that? There are fewer of you than there were. A stoker claims she can hear someone calling, but searching proves fruitless.
Successful event
Noble ends
A keen-eyed stoker spies tracks leading into the wood. You follow them. Birds cry out in the canopy ahead of you, startled by something moving. You quicken your pace. Your quarry slows, allowing you to catch up. It stands in a copse of silverwood – a proud stag, with its many tined triple crown. Its majesty does not spare it your bullets. It takes five people to carry it back to your engine.
Slumber in the wood
Starlight silvers the branches above you. Birds call quietly. Rest.
Failed event

Advanced query needs investigation Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Game note: You may gain Visions of the Heavens.

Called away
There is a grassy mound at the fringe of the forest. The grass is cool as fresh milk – it is ideal for a brief rest. A handful of your crew join you. You close your eyes, just for a second. Your dreams are of whispers in the wood; of things that creep beneath the boughs. When you wake, there are less of you than there were.
Successful event
Silent night
This hill overlooks a river that courses its way into the deepwood. The rushing sound is soporific. The ground of the hill is cool, and soft as freshly laundered linen. You wake, entirely refreshed. Your dreams drift away like balloons on the wind. There is only the dim remembrance of starlight, washing over the hill like a silver tide.

Expeditions into the Wood's Deep
Category Story Event
Type Story
Data ID 300601

Expeditions into the Wood's Deep[]

"Summerset College has, until recently, funded expeditions into the forest. Those who returned speak of voices on the wind, of murmurs in uninhabited groves. Crew Embarked on an Expedition(root) "


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Prepare for a large expedition
You'll bring every able body willing.
Into the wood
A sizeable contingent of your crew volunteers to follow you into the wood. Packs are hoisted onto shoulders; rations divided and sensibly stored in little tubs. "We're with you, captain," a stout signaller tells you.
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Game note: You'll risk more crew, but lower the chance of failure.

Prepare for a small expedition
You'll take only a few hardy souls.
Into the wood
A handful of your most loyal crew volunteer to join you. They hoist packs and eye each other with grim satisfaction.
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Game note: You'll risk fewer crew, but increase the chance of failure.

Prepare for an expedition to the Steward's Font
The Summerset scholars believe that the Font will provide clues to the identity of the king in the Regent's Grave.
The palewood
The scholars share (individually) what they know. Their transcriptions of the Correspondence differ significantly, and they refuse to work together on a single translation. Still, it should be enough to get to the general area of the Font. You gather your crew and make for the edge of the whispering wood. The scholars emerge from their tents to wave you off.
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Game note: This in an expedition of moderate difficulty.

Prepare for an Expedition to the Giggling Place
The sigils on the scythe suggest it was connected in some way. You're sure the name however is an error of translation.
Back to the forest
Once again, the scholars wave cheerily as you prepare your crew for another venture under the whispering boughs of the Traitor's Wood.
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Game note: This in an expedition of moderate difficulty. The more crew you take, the easier the expedition, though you risk more of your men.

Prepare for an Expedition to the Barrows of Silence
The scholars have provided the location. The wood whispered its name to you. Whoever lies in the Regent's Grave may have been connected with this place.
To the grave
Your crew are reluctant, but obey your command. They haul on their packs and make ready for another incursion. The scholars watch you leave, their expressions solemn. It is not long before you are surrounded by trees, the canopy plunging you into gloom.
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Game note: This in an expedition of moderate difficulty. The more crew you take, the easier the expedition, though you risk more of your men.

Embark on an expedition for Otherworldy Artefacts
Whomever kept the wood has left ruins scattered about the forest.
In Traitor's Wood
Rain mizzles over the trees ahead. You gather your crew and with a nod to those left behind, begin to make your way into the mist.

Game note: You will need to reach Traitor's Progress 5 to successfully complete an expedition. This is an expedition of moderate difficulty.

Embark on an expedition for Bronzewood
There are rumoured to be groves of ancient bronzewood near the heart of the forest.
In Traitor's Wood
Wind bows the trees ahead. You gather your crew, and begin the march into the wood. The branches of the trees close around you.

Game note: You will need to reach Traitor's Progress 5 to successfully complete an expedition. This is a difficult expedition.

Return to the Wood
Some other time.
Badly concealed relief
Your crew are pleased not to have to stray far from the engine.

Game note: If you have begun preparations, you will need to embark on an Expedition to regain any Crew who have been converted into Crew in the Wood.

Seeking spies in the Traitor's Wood
Category Story Event
Type Story
Data ID 278020

Seeking spies in the Traitor's Wood[]

The wood is shrouded, whispering and dark. You can barely see your hand before you. A brief cloak of rain gathers above you. Your crew mumble fearfully as you press on. "Can't imagine you'll see much here, captain," one crewman says, as ahead a light flashes once, twice, thrice.

Trigger conditions

Traitorswood icon Winchester War: Spies in Traitor's Wood ≥ 2 ≤ 2,


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Return the signal
Confirm their location.
Twice. Thrice. Your lantern flashes like green fire in the dark. Your crew is silent. The only sound is the creak of your lantern's shutter as you signal. After a few moments of quiet and dark, the answer comes. Five flashes in orange, four in blue, then a brief flame – a flare that rises above the canopy like a phoenix ascending. You make sure you've written the whole sequence down, before ordering your crew to slip away back into the wood. The Assembly will no doubt be very pleased to learn this information.
Botch the signal
Let them know they are hunted.
You shutter your lantern thrice and thrice again. There is no reply. A cry of an owl in the wood? The fall of a tree somewhere far deep in the wood? Then only silence and the heavy dark of Traitor's Wood. Whoever was there will not be again.


Ravenscourt & Stamford

The distinguished official retailers of Summerset College have deigned to establish a small outpost here, and conduct their business with consistent and vigorous disdain.

Item Buy Sell
Fuel square icon Fuel Sovereigns icon 20 Sovereigns Sovereigns icon 10 Sovereigns
Supplies square icon Supplies Sovereigns icon 40 Sovereigns Sovereigns icon 20 Sovereigns
Bronzewood square icon Bronzewood Sovereigns icon 175 Sovereigns
Region Hub Ports Discoveries / Spectacles
The Reach Newwinchester icon New Winchester Carillon icon Carillon

Hybras icon Hybras
Naturereserve icon Leadbeater & Stainrod's Nature Reserve
Lustrum icon Lustrum
Magdalenes icon Magdalene's
Circus icon Polmear & Plenty's Inconceivable Circus
Portavon icon Port Avon
Portprosper icon Port Prosper
Titania icon Titania
Traitorswood icon Traitor's Wood
Transitrelay icon Transit Relays

Signalbox icon An Abandoned Signal Box

Default icon Faith's Fall
Well green icon Old Tom's Well
Regentsgrave icon Regent's Grave
Rose icon The Flowerfields
Default icon The Regent's Tears
Wreckgeneric icon The Silent Saint
Reach icon The War of Fossils
Wreckgeneric icon Wreck of the Parzifal

Albion London icon London Avidhorizon icon Avid Horizon (The Stair to the Sea)

Perdurance icon Perdurance
Brabazon icon The Brabazon Workworld
Clockworksun icon The Clockwork Sun
Floatingparliament icon The Floating Parliament
Serenemausoleum icon The Most Serene Mausoleum
Royalsociety icon The Royal Society
Transitrelay icon Transit Relays
Worlebury icon Worlebury-juxta-Mare

Default icon Skyhenge

Lantern icon St Anthony's Lighthouse
Avidhorizon icon The Avid Horizon
Well purple icon Well of the Wolf
Wreckgeneric icon Wreck of the Boatman

Eleutheria Pan icon Pan Achlys icon Achlys

Caduceus icon Caduceus
Eaglesempyrean icon Eagle's Empyrean
Langleyhall icon Langley Hall
Piranesi icon Piranesi
Houseofrodsandchains icon The House of Rods and Chains
Transitrelay icon Transit Relays

Default icon The Xanthous Moon

Well yellow icon The Well of Wonders
Wreckgeneric icon Wreck of the Berrenger

The Blue Kingdom Tolltower icon Sky Barnet Deathsdoorstep icon Death's Door (The Shadow of the Sun)

Forgeofsouls icon The Forge of Souls
Whitewell icon The White Well (Wellmouth)
Transitrelay icon Transit Relay

Deathsdoorstep icon Horologion