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Transit Relay
Transitrelay ambience
Transit Relay (Sidebar)
Located in Albion, Eleutheria, The Reach
Ports None

There are several Transit Relay in Sunless Skies, which act as a means of travelling between the four regions in the High Wilderness.

Transit Relays are named on the map and provide experience when discovered. They also have a docking area like those of ports, although interaction requires pressing R rather than selecting from a storylet menu like other ports.

The Reach[]

There are three Transit Relays in The Reach.

The Albion Transit Relay
Category Story Event
Type Story
Data ID 291598

The Albion Transit Relay[]

A stone edifice, scintillant with sigils, is encased in a contrivance of steel and brass. This is a Singh-Jenkins relay, allowing transport (via a loophole in some cosmic mandate) across the sunless wastes to a far-flung district of heaven.

This one leads to Albion: the heart of the new British Empire and the seat of Her Renewed Majesty Queen Victoria.


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Check on the delayed package
It turns out that the previous courier was detained for having the wrong paperwork. Fortunately, the goods were impounded on this side of the relay.
"Sign here."
The bored customs official is glad to clear some space in their cramped office. As long as you don't want to travel between regions without the appropriate paperwork, they couldn't care much less about cargo. This package has been serving double-duty as a card table for the last week. But now it's yours, and the people of A Special Delivery from London(PortReminder) will be glad to receive it.
Bribe the superintendent to give you a travel permit
You must be circumspect. It is possible the poor fellow is afflicted with morals.

Game note: Once you have a permit, you'll be able to travel between Albion and the Reach via the relay. Future captains in your lineage will inherit the permit.

Failed event
An accidental good deed
Despite your elaborate hints and – you feel – unequivocal eyebrow-wiggling, the superintendent remains oblivious to your attempts to bribe him. What's more, the hefty donation you made to the Relay-Workers' Pension Fund – which you had assumed was an aperitif to a second, mutually satisfactory bribe – turns out to have been a legitimate donation to the Relay-Workers' Pension Fund. You won't be getting it back.
Successful event
Greasing the wheel
Your generous donation to the Relay-Workers' Christmas Fund is gratefully accepted, although you notice that it is at no time recorded in any ledger. The superintendent is happy to present you with a little booklet of bright blue: your travel permit.
Submit the paperwork required for a travel permit
The superintendent is a stickler for proper procedure.

Game note: Once you have a permit, you'll be able to travel between Albion and the Reach via the relay. Future captains in your lineage will inherit the permit.

Opening the way
At a bronzewood kiosk the superintendent examines your papers minutely, sticks them on a spike, then signs and stamps a small booklet for you: your new transit permit. "Union Jack blue," he says of its cover, as if it were something to be proud of.
Travel to Albion, first class
First class is reserved for those on Imperial business. You will need appropriate paperwork.
At the sight of your papers, the superintendent jumps to activate the relay. Its hour-looms rumble, spinning the pocket of new time in which your locomotive will make its journey.

Wrapped in your engine's new coat of hours, it will be hard to say how long the journey takes. But the hours used by Imperial officials are languid and seasoned; the passage should be at least tolerable.

The machinery grinds and stirs. The steam vents. The sigils of the edifice burn with sullen fire. A force like a great hand seizes your engine.

Attention: the Burrower Below(TransitA)
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Rare event (20%)
At the sight of your papers, the superintendent jumps to activate the relay. Its hour-looms rumble, spinning the pocket of new time in which your locomotive will make its journey.

Wrapped in your engine's new coat of hours, it will be hard to say how long the journey takes. But the hours used by Imperial officials are languid and seasoned; the passage should be at least tolerable.

The machinery grinds and stirs. The steam vents. The sigils of the edifice burn with sullen fire. A force like a great hand seizes your engine.
Travel to Albion, second class
You'll need to supply your own hours. The relay station will spin them into a coat to wrap your engine against the winds that harry the wild paths you must travel.
You deliver the barrels to the relay's hour-looms, which clank and grind. They spin a jacket of fresh time in which your locomotive will make its journey.

Enclosed in your engine's pocket of hours, it is hard to say how long the passage will take. Unseasoned hours tend to be melancholy and anxious; your journey is likely to be wearing.

Attention: the Burrower Below(TransitC)

The machinery grinds and stirs. The steam vents. The sigils of the edifice burn with sullen fire. A force like a great hand seizes your engine.
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Rare event (20%)
You deliver the barrels to the relay's hour-looms, which clank and grind. They spin a jacket of fresh time in which your locomotive will make its journey.

Enclosed in your engine's pocket of hours, it is hard to say how long the passage will take. Unseasoned hours tend to be melancholy and anxious; your journey is likely to be wearing.

The machinery grinds and stirs. The steam vents. The sigils of the edifice burn with sullen fire. A force like a great hand seizes your engine.
Remain in the Reach
You turn your engine around. You have business here yet.
Staying put
You put the edifice behind you and head back towards the feuds and fortunes of the Reach. The stars wink prettily.
Present yourself to Customs
Every relay is on the hunt for contraband.
Present yourself to Customs
Every relay is on the hunt for contraband.
Waved through
The customs agents are currently busy. They stamp your form without even checking your cargo.

The Eleutheria Transit Relay
Category Story Event
Type Story
Data ID 291618

The Eleutheria Transit Relay[]

A stone edifice, scintillant with sigils, is encased in a contrivance of steel and brass. This is a Singh-Jenkins relay, allowing transport (via a loophole in some cosmic mandate) to a far-flung district of heaven.

This one leads to Eleutheria: a place of revolutionaries and malcontents. It is little used.


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Buy a travel permit
The superintendent eyes you sullenly from behind his bronzewood kiosk.

Game note: Once you have a permit, you'll be able to travel to Eleutheria via the relay. Future captains in your lineage will inherit the permit.

A cheerful chap
The unkempt man greets you with a groan. When you enquire about the cost of a travel permit, he winces. "Could you be quieter?" The whiff of alcohol offers an explanation as to his troubles. It is a work of many minutes for him to deposit your funds into a wall safe and fill in two separate ledgers, one stamped with the Eagle's Empyrean emblem. He passes you an ornately marked vellum scroll. "It might look nice, but they don't fit in my filing cabinet. Bloomin' Empyrean show-offs." He apparently feels no need to be polite about London's once-ally, even though it was Empyrean technology that helped open the door to the heavens.
Acquire a travel permit
The superintendent is bored. Give him something inspiring and something good to read, to make his deployment pass more quickly.

Game note: Once you have a permit, you'll be able to travel to Eleutheria via the relay. Future captains in your lineage will inherit the permit.

A gap-toothed smile
The officer buries his nose in a book, only recalling his side of the bargain when you cough, twice, meaningfully.

"I'm so sorry. Forget my manners. Don't get much company, here – and I've another three weeks left." He passes you an ornately marked vellum scroll, sealed with the Eagle's Empyrean emblem. "It might look nice, but they don't fit in my filing cabinet. Bloomin' Empyrean show-offs."

He apparently feels no need to be polite about London's once-ally, even though it was Empyrean technology that helped open the door to the heavens.
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Travel to Eleutheria
The workers here suffer from unremitting tedium. Relieve their ennui and they'll send you on your way.

Game note: Be warned: You may not be able to return from Eleutheria for some time.

The superintendent listens attentively, even takes notes. He has no intention of forgetting the slightest detail when recounting it to his subordinates. When you're done, he's almost friendly, going so far as walk you back to your locomotive. You're barely aboard when the hour-looms start up.

The machinery grinds and stirs. The steam vents. The sigils of the edifice burn with sullen fire. A force like a great hand seizes your engine.

Attention: the Burrower Below(TransitC)
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Rare event (20%)
The superintendent listens attentively, even takes notes. When you're done, he's almost friendly, going so far as walk you back to your locomotive. You're barely aboard when the hour-looms start up. The machinery grinds and stirs. The steam vents. The sigils of the edifice burn with sullen fire. A force like a great hand seizes your engine.
Travel to Eleutheria
This station doesn't get many visits from Londoners. They'll appreciate the chance to have a good cuppa.

Game note: Be warned: You may not be able to return from Eleutheria for some time.

The superintendent shouts to his subordinate. "Get the kettle on!" He breaks away from tea long enough to see you aboard.

The machinery grinds and stirs. The steam vents. The sigils of the edifice burn with sullen fire. A force like a great hand seizes your engine.

[qvd:Attention: the Burrower Below(TransitB)
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Rare event (20%)
The superintendent shouts to his subordinate. "Get the kettle on!" He breaks away from tea long enough to see you aboard. The machinery grinds and stirs. The steam vents. The sigils of the edifice burn with sullen fire. A force like a great hand seizes your engine.
Remain in the Reach
You turn your engine around. You have business here yet.
Staying put
You put the edifice behind you and head back towards the feuds and fortunes of the Reach. The stars wink, prettily.
Present yourself to Customs
Every relay is on the hunt for contraband.
Waved through
The customs agents are currently busy. They stamp your form without even checking your cargo.
Present yourself to Customs
Every relay is on the hunt for contraband.

The Blue Kingdom Transit Relay
Category Story Event
Type Story
Data ID 291632

The Blue Kingdom Transit Relay[]

"In Tutorial(Relay)"


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Submit the paperwork for a travel permit
You'll need references of acceptable character. And, of course, there is a processing fee.

Game note: Once you have a permit, you can travel between the Blue Kingdom and the Reach via the relay. Future captains in your lineage will inherit the permit.

The official considers you from behind his desk at the relay gate. "Hmm." A thoughtful nod. "We must be cautious. For the Empire's safety."

He appraises you. "We need to be certain you're the right sort of captain." He picks up the coin purse you've placed on the counter and considers its heft. "Clearly, you are."

He bares a tobacco-tinted smile as he prepares your permit. The paper is white as lamb's wool, and thick enough to make an undignified wobbling noise when he hands it over.
Travel to the Blue Kingdom, first class
These artefacts might have originated in the Blue Kingdom. As part of its concord with London, the relay's officials are obliged to accept them for passage into the Kingdom.
The official will not touch the artefact himself. "Horrible thing." He presses a button. An underling scurries in to take it away in a brass box.

The relay machinery grinds and stirs. The steam vents. The sigils of the edifice burn with sullen fire. A force like a great hand seizes your engine.

Attention: the Burrower Below(TransitA)
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Rare event (20%)
The official will not touch the artefact himself. "Horrible thing." He presses a button. An underling scurries in to take it away in a brass box. Your engine door slams shut behind you. The relay machinery grinds and stirs. The steam vents. The sigils of the edifice burn with sullen fire. A force like a great hand seizes your engine.
Travel to the Blue Kingdom, second class
You have enough hours for your journey, and a little extra for the station. A donation of Hours should convince the officials to wave you through.
The Official cracks open a barrel and tastes an hour-crystal. The hours will, he concedes, do.

Enclosed in your engine's pocket of hours, it is hard to say how long the passage will take. Unseasoned hours tend to be melancholy and anxious; your journey is likely to be wearing.

The machinery grinds and stirs. Steam vents. The sigils of the edifice burn with sullen fire. A force like a great hand seizes your engine.

Attention: the Burrower Below(TransitC)
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Rare event (20%)
The Official cracks open a barrel and tastes an hour-crystal. The hours will, he concedes, do.

Enclosed in your engine's pocket of hours, it is hard to say how long the passage will take. Unseasoned hours tend to be melancholy and anxious; your journey is likely to be wearing.

The machinery grinds and stirs. Steam vents. The sigils of the edifice burn with sullen fire. A force like a great hand seizes your engine.
Travel to the Blue Kingdom, unofficially
The official makes plain he won't let any 'wrong'uns' through; it's more than his job is worth. Convincing him of your noble character will be expensive.
"Of course, someone of your character –" the official is already paying more attention to the soul bottles than to yourself "– can go right ahead."

The hour looms creak into motion. The official consults a clock. "You've thirty seconds to get on board... Twenty-nine, now."

The official will be using those poor quality hours that wouldn't be missed in an inspection. Your journey is likely to be wearing.

The machinery grinds and stirs. Steam vents. The sigils of the edifice burn with sullen fire. A force like a great hand seizes your engine.

Attention: the Burrower Below(TransitC)
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Rare event (20%)
"Of course, someone of your character –" the official is already paying more attention to the soul bottles than to you "– can go right ahead."

The hour looms creak into motion. The official will be using those poor quality hours that wouldn't be missed in an inspection. Your journey is likely to be wearing.

The machinery grinds and stirs. Steam vents. The sigils of the edifice burn with sullen fire. A force like a great hand seizes your engine.
Recall your recent arrival through the relay
And the frantic flight that preceded it.
A narrow escape
The Orphean recently arrived through the relay in a state of distress, having had to flee the Blue Kingdom. Whatever it was the captain did there, it incensed the local authorities. They pursued you to the relay, and tried to close it while you were mid-passage.

You barely made it out. What's more, the attempt to close the relay has damaged it. No travel will be possible in either direction until it is repaired.

Game note: It will take some time for the relay to be repaired.

Remain in the Reach
You turn your engine around. You have business here yet.
Staying put
You put the edifice behind you and head back towards the knotted, overgrown tangles of the Reach. Occasionally, stars peek through gaps in the celestial undergrowth.


Currently, there is only one Transit Relay in Albion. However you can create a second one that allows travel to Eleutheria.

The Albion Transit Relay to the Reach
Category Story Event
Type Story
Data ID 291612

The Albion Transit Relay to the Reach[]

A stone edifice, scintillant with sigils, is encased in a contrivance of steel and brass. This is a Singh-Jenkins relay, allowing transport (via a loophole in some cosmic mandate) to a far-flung district of heaven.

This one leads to the Reach: a sunless wilderness, rich in opportunity and peril, coveted by London.


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Collect a telegram for the Incautious Driver
It costs a small fortune to send these. It must be important.
With Condolences
The Driver reads the telegram without expression. They show it to you without saying a word. COME HOME STOP YOUR FATHER STOP FUNERAL STOP NEW WINCHESTER STOP DRIVE SAFE STOP. "He was ill for a long time," the Driver finally manages. "I need to pay my respects."
Submit the paperwork required for a travel permit
The superintendent is burly, with a military bearing.

Game note: Once you have a permit, you'll be able to travel between Albion and the Reach via the relay.

The superintendent assembles your travel papers briskly and gruffly. You suspect he has been, in the past, a sergeant-major. He hands the little blue booklet to you with a sharp click of his heels. "All present and correct, Addressed As(SpeechFormal)!"
Bribe the superintendent to give you a travel permit
He seems worldly. You could drop a few hints, and a down payment.

Game note: Once you have a permit, you'll be able to travel between Albion and the Reach via the relay.

Failed event
He seem to accept your initial exploratory gratuity. But when you suggest a quid pro quo his moustache begins to quiver in offence. You quickly and abruptly change the subject. Is he dim? Or were you just played?
Successful event
A smooth operation
Your bribe vanishes into a drawer, the key to which is slipped securely into the superintendent's inside pocket. Without posturing or preamble, he prepares your travel permit: a little booklet covered in a blue jacket. You conclude your business with a courteous nod. It's so nice to deal with a professional.
Travel to the Reach, first class
First class is reserved for those on Imperial business. You will need appropriate paperwork.
At the sight of your papers, the superintendent jumps to activate the relay. Its hour-looms rumble, spinning the pocket of new time in which your locomotive will make its journey.

Wrapped in your engine's new coat of hours, it will be hard to say how long the journey takes. But the hours used by Imperial officials are languid and seasoned; the passage should be at least tolerable.

The machinery grinds and stirs. The steam vents. The sigils of the edifice burn with sullen fire. A force like a great hand seizes your engine.

Attention: the Burrower Below(TransitB)
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Rare event (20%)
At the sight of your papers, the superintendent jumps to activate the relay. Its hour-looms rumble, spinning the pocket of new time in which your locomotive will make its journey.

Wrapped in your engine's new coat of hours, it will be hard to say how long the journey takes. But the hours used by Imperial officials are languid and seasoned; the passage should be at least tolerable.

The machinery grinds and stirs. The steam vents. The sigils of the edifice burn with sullen fire. A force like a great hand seizes your engine.
Travel to the Reach, second class
You'll need to supply your own hours. The relay station will spin them into a coat to wrap your engine against the winds that harry the wild paths you must travel.
You deliver the barrels to the relay's hour-looms, which clank and grind. They spin the jacket of fresh time in which your locomotive will make its journey.

Enclosed in your engine's pocket of hours, it is hard to say how long the passage will take. Unseasoned hours tend to be melancholy and anxious; your journey is likely to be wearing.

The machinery grinds and stirs. The steam vents. The sigils of the edifice burn with sullen fire. A force like a great hand seizes your engine.

Attention: the Burrower Below(TransitD)
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Rare event (20%)
You deliver the barrels to the relay's hour-looms, which clank and grind. They spin the jacket of fresh time in which your locomotive will make its journey.

Enclosed in your engine's pocket of hours, it is hard to say how long the passage will take. Unseasoned hours tend to be melancholy and anxious; your journey is likely to be wearing.

The machinery grinds and stirs. The steam vents. The sigils of the edifice burn with sullen fire. A force like a great hand seizes your engine.
Pay sovereigns for second-class travel to the Reach
Unscrupulous hour-vendors linger at the relay, charging extortionate prices for the hours needed to travel second-class.
You pay the hour-vendors' disgraceful fee. They deliver the hours to the relay's looms. Clanking and grinding, the looms spin the jacket of fresh time in which your locomotive will make its journey.

Enclosed in your engine's pocket of hours, it is hard to say how long the passage will take. Unseasoned hours tend to be melancholy and anxious; your journey is likely to be wearing.

The machinery grinds and stirs. The steam vents. The sigils of the edifice burn with sullen fire. A force like a great hand seizes your engine.
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Rare event (20%)
You pay the hour-vendors' disgraceful fee. They deliver the hours to the relay's looms. Clanking and grinding, the looms spin the jacket of fresh time in which your locomotive will make its journey.

Enclosed in your engine's pocket of hours, it is hard to say how long the passage will take. Unseasoned hours tend to be melancholy and anxious; your journey is likely to be wearing.

The machinery grinds and stirs. The steam vents. The sigils of the edifice burn with sullen fire. A force like a great hand seizes your engine.
Remain in Albion
You turn your engine around. You have business here yet.
Staying put
Your engine lumbers around. The stellar gleam of the Clockwork Sun fills your windows. You'll be in Albion a while yet.
Present yourself to Customs
Every relay is on the hunt for contraband.
Waved through
The customs agents are currently busy. They stamp your form without even checking your cargo.
Present yourself to Customs
Every relay is on the hunt for contraband.

The Albion to Eleutheria Transit Relay
Category Story Event
Type Story
Data ID 316939

The Albion to Eleutheria Transit Relay[]

There is a certain homemade quality to the transit relay at Duskings Deep. The buildings are cottagey, the sequencer-wheels are under constant repair, and the customs procedures are lax. But it is the most direct route to Eleutheria.

The Albion to Eleutheria Transit Relay(Relay)


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Trade stories to travel to Eleutheria first class
If you're willing to linger and trade tales of your time in the skies (and of your illustrious predecessor) you are often permitted to travel for free.
Much later, when your stories have satisfied the relay's operators, you are escorted to your engine. The arms holding the sequencer-wheels clank to jerky life. The hour-looms rattle, spinning a fold of hours about you. The sigils begin to burn: first like embers, then like gas lamps, then like suns. With a noise like the sky breaking, you are cast across the heavens.
Rare event (20%)
Much later, when your stories have satisfied the relay's operators, you are escorted to your engine. The arms holding the sequencer-wheels clank to jerky life. The hour-looms rattle, spinning a fold of hours about you. The sigils begin to burn: first like embers, then like gas lamps, then like suns. With a noise like the sky breaking, you are cast across the heavens.
Spend sovereigns to travel to Eleutheria first class
For you, of course, the price is reduced.
The payment is made, and a deferential manager escorts you to your engine. The arms holding the sequencer-wheels clank to jerky life. The hour-looms rattle, spinning a fold of hours about you. The sigils begin to burn: first like embers, then like gas lamps, then like suns. With a noise like the sky breaking, you are cast across the heavens.
Rare event (20%)
The payment is made, and a deferential manager escorts you to your engine. The arms holding the sequencer-wheels clank to jerky life. The hour-looms rattle, spinning a fold of hours about you. The sigils begin to burn: first like embers, then like gas lamps, then like suns. With a noise like the sky breaking, you are cast across the heavens.
Travel to Eleutheria first class for free
It would be a damn liberty if you were expected to pay, after the amount you sank into building this thing.
A deferential manager escorts you to your engine. A number of the relay's workers have given her a scrub and a polish while you were doing the rounds. As you climb aboard, the relay staff line up to wave you off. The arms holding the sequencer-wheels clank to jerky life. The hour-looms rattle, spinning a fold of hours about you. The sigils begin to burn: first like embers, then like gas lamps, then like suns. With a noise like the sky breaking, you are cast across the heavens.
Rare event (20%)
A deferential manager escorts you to your engine. A number of the relay's workers have given her a scrub and a polish while you were doing the rounds. As you climb aboard, the staff line up to wave you off. The arms holding the sequencer-wheels clank to jerky life. The hour-looms rattle, spinning a fold of hours about you. The sigils begin to burn: first like embers, then like gas lamps, then like suns. With a noise like the sky breaking, you are cast across the heavens.
Submit to a customs check
A Monitor is docked at the relay. Officials from the Customs Service are conducting spot checks on all locomotives passing through. You will have to satisfy them before you can travel.

Game note: You have no contraband on board.

Waved through
The check is thorough, but you have nothing to hide. The Revenue Men are satisfied, and clear your engine to travel.
Submit to a customs check
A Monitor is docked at the relay. Officials from the Customs Service are conducting spot checks on all locomotives passing through. You will have to satisfy them before you can travel.

Game note: You have hidden contraband on board.

Failed event

Advanced query needs investigation Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

The search is thorough. Your contraband is discovered.

Fortunately, the Revenue Men have only limited authority at Duskings Deep. They can't put you on trial, but they can interrogate you and your crew remorselessly for two days and confiscate your illicit goods.

Afterwards, some of your crew leave your service. They don't want to repeat this incident, and will look for a captain who is able to stay on the right side of the law.
Successful event
Getting away with it
The Revenue Men search your locomotive, but their persistence is less than your cunning. After an hour they depart, having failed to find any of your concealed contraband. You are allowed to travel.
Submit to a customs check
A Monitor is docked at the relay. Officials from the Customs Service are conducting spot checks on all locomotives passing through. You will have to satisfy them before you can travel.

Game note: You have a dangerous amount of contraband on board.

Failed event Advanced query needs investigation

Special is calculated as follows: 45+((Contraband-Hidden Compartments)*5) * 1.67

Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

The search is thorough. Your contraband is discovered.

Fortunately, the Revenue Men have only limited authority at Duskings Deep. They can't put you on trial, but they can interrogate you and your crew remorselessly for two days and confiscate your illicit goods.

Afterwards, some of your crew leave your service. They don't want to repeat this incident, and will look for a captain who is able to stay on the right side of the law.
Successful event
Getting away with it
The Revenue Men search your locomotive, but their persistence is less than your cunning. After an hour they depart, having failed to find any of your concealed contraband. You are allowed to travel.
Surrender your contraband
What this? Is it illegal! Goodness! Please, take it.

Game note: You will lose any contraband, but suffer no further consequences.

Better to seek forgiveness than permission
The Revenue Men give you a withering look, but have the contraband examined, stamped, and carried to their locomotive. You are permitted to pass.
Remain in Albion
You turn your engine around. You have business here yet.
You pull out of the relay, and head back into the blanket of mists.


A Broken Transit Relay
Category Story Event
Type Story
Data ID 299451

A Broken Transit Relay[]

This stone edifice has the same contrivance of steel and brass as the others, but the metal is tarnished. The relay's sigils are cracked and worn. The lights are out. The relay station is unmanned and – it seems from the layer of old frost – has been for some time.


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Can it be made to work again?
The doors to the control room hang open. You could attempt to operate the machinery yourself.
Not a glow, not a twitch. The incomprehensibly complex mechanism is silent and still. There is nothing you can do to repair it. You will not be able to return to the Reach from here.

Tales are told of Eleutheria in the Reach. Skyfarers have returned with rare goods and stories of vast horrors – and almost certainly more recently than this Relay went out of commission. There must be another way back.

Game note: You will need to find another way out of Eleutheria.

Examine the relay's Correspondence for one of the lost sigils
It glimmers angrily in the rusted elbow of the relay's arm. But it is damaged; incomplete. Perhaps you could guess at its missing angles by basing them on other sigils you have glimpsed in Eleutheria?
Identifying the completed sigil
The relays were based on discoveries made by Singh and Jenkins, who also led an expedition across the heavens in search of lost and hypothesised sigils. Using notes on the Singh-Jenkins mission and your Eleutherian knowledge, you finally establish how this sigil should be written, and what it means.

The Eleutherian Transit Relay to the Reach
Category Story Event
Type Story
Data ID 291626

The Eleutherian Transit Relay to the Reach[]

A stone edifice, scintillant with sigils, is encased in a contrivance of steel and brass. This is a Singh-Jenkins relay, allowing transport (via a loophole in some cosmic mandate) to a far-flung district of heaven.

This one leads to the Reach, the tentative domain of Victoria. The Empyrean has staffed the relay with smartly dressed officials with military bearing. Londoners, of course, may not travel on the magnanimity of the Eagle Khan. You will need to pay.


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Buy a travel permit
The official running the Transit Relay welcomes you with impeccable English. Only non-native speakers speak the language this well, without the lazy shortcuts Londoners have adopted.

Game note: Once you have a permit, you'll be able to travel to the Reach via the relay. Future captains in your lineage will inherit the permit.

Swift business
He stands to shake your hand, asking his juniors to excuse him. He is playing – and winning – board games with each. "My apologies for not being at the door. Captains are a rare surprise – so few people want to go back." He smiles warmly. The official presses a button. A capsule containing a sheaf of paperwork pops from a pressurised tube. He takes note of your locomotive, name, purpose in Eleutheria and whether you're planning on returning. He counts your money, takes your hand print, and passes over a fine vellum scroll. "A pleasure doing business with you." He even gives you a receipt.
Acquire a travel permit
The official points to a small chart, neatly screwed to the wall. "If you don't have the Sovereigns, we do accept other forms of payment."

Game note: Once you have a permit, you'll be able to travel to the Reach via the relay. Future captains in your lineage will inherit the permit.

Opening the way
"Those are simply beautiful stones. And that cloth— Yes, this is certainly enough for a permit. I'll get it processed immediately." He sends the items elsewhere in the building via a dumbwaiter. It emerges that officials here may bid for the items and send money back to the Empyrean instead of goods. The Eagle's Empyrean approves of that kind of trade. While he's explaining this, the official sorts through your paperwork, even spotting a typo in some of your London-issued papers of locomotive ownership. Finally, he passes over a fine vellum scroll, and a receipt.
Travel to the Reach
"We could do with a top up of munitions. We're experiencing a temporary scarcity." The Official smiles. "Temporary."
The official begins calibrating the time looms. "They do run automatically, but we prefer to personally ensure the safety and comfort of skyfarers."

He heads to examine your locomotive, making appropriately complimentary noises as he does. Finally, he nods in satisfaction, and turns to a vast board covered in dials and lights. "Best get aboard, Captain. We're ready."

The machinery grinds and stirs. The steam vents. The sigils of the edifice burn with sullen fire. A force like a great hand seizes your engine.

Attention: the Burrower Below(TransitD)
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Rare event (20%)
The official begins calibrating the time looms. "They do run automatically, but we prefer to personally ensure the safety and comfort of skyfarers."

He heads to examine your locomotive, making appropriately complimentary noises as he does. Finally, he nods in satisfaction, and turns to a vast board covered in dials and lights. "Best get aboard, Captain. We're ready."

The machinery grinds and stirs. The steam vents. The sigils of the edifice burn with sullen fire. A force like a great hand seizes your engine.
Travel to the Reach
"No matter how you pay, we'll get you safely there." He stands up straight, displaying his Eagle's Empyrean uniform proudly.
The official walks the entire length of your locomotive, makes probing questions about the weight of your cargo while carefully avoiding asking what it is. Finally, he heads into a small control booth.

He turns dials and prods levers. HUIKeyInputDownArrowe makes minute adjustments across a huge board, turning a series of lights green. "Best get aboard, Captain. Quickly."

The machinery grinds and stirs. The steam vents. The sigils of the edifice burn with sullen fire. A force like a great hand seizes your engine.

Attention: the Burrower Below(TransitD)
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Rare event (20%)
The official walks the entire length of your locomotive, makes probing questions about the weight of your cargo while carefully avoiding asking what it is. Finally, he heads into a small control booth.

He turns dials and prods levers. He makes minute adjustments across a huge board, turning a series of lights green. "Best get aboard, Captain. Quickly."

The machinery grinds and stirs. The steam vents. The sigils of the edifice burn with sullen fire. A force like a great hand seizes your engine.
Remain in Eleutheria
You turn your engine around. You have business here yet.
You put the edifice behind you and head back towards the shadows and skullduggeries of Eleutheria. The darkness is soft in your windows.
Present yourself to Customs
Every relay is on the hunt for contraband.
Waved through
The customs agents are currently busy. They stamp your form without even checking your cargo.
Present yourself to Customs
Every relay is on the hunt for contraband.

The Eleutherian Transit Relay to Albion
Category Story Event
Type Story
Data ID 316960

The Eleutherian Transit Relay to Albion[]

The recently-constructed relay to Albion is ramshackle and fortified. Gaunt, rifle-toting guards watch for stirrings in the dark. The sigils of the sequencer-wheels coat everything in sullen red.

The Albion to Eleutheria Transit Relay(RelayEl)


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Trade stories to travel to Albion
The Whispering Deputy will accept the traditional currency of Eleutheria: mysteries.
She listens to them solemnly before showing you back to your engine. The arms holding the sequencer-wheels clank to jerky life. The hour-looms rattle, spinning a fold of hours about you. The sigils begin to burn: first like embers, then like gas lamps, then like suns. With a noise like the sky breaking, you are cast across the heavens.
Rare event (20%)
She listens to them solemnly before showing you back to your engine. The arms holding the sequencer-wheels clank to jerky life. The hour-looms rattle, spinning a fold of hours about you. The sigils begin to burn: first like embers, then like gas lamps, then like suns. With a noise like the sky breaking, you are cast across the heavens.
Spend sovereigns to travel to Albion
The cost is painful, but less than the longer route through the Reach.
A Stammering Clerk engraves your receipt on a wax tablet (an Eleutherian eccentricity). He shows you back to your engine. The arms holding the sequencer-wheels clank to jerky life. The hour-looms rattle, spinning a fold of hours about you. The sigils begin to burn: first like embers, then like gas lamps, then like suns. With a noise like the sky breaking, you are cast across the heavens.
Rare event (20%)
A Stammering Clerk engraves your receipt on a wax tablet (an Eleutherian eccentricity). He shows you back to your engine. The arms holding the sequencer-wheels clank to jerky life. The hour-looms rattle, spinning a fold of hours about you. The sigils begin to burn: first like embers, then like gas lamps, then like suns. With a noise like the sky breaking, you are cast across the heavens.
Travel to Albion for free
You are the reason this relay exists. You made the long, ruinous journey here along an uncharted sky-road. To its staff you are a cross between a messiah and a curse.
Some of the staff here accompanied you on that journey. Most still have nightmares about it: the poisoned starlight; the vast, breathing shapes that sometimes shared the road, dwarfing your engine.

The moment your locomotive pulls in, those staff begin preparing for your travel. There is no thought of payment.

The arms holding the sequencer-wheels clank to jerky life. The hour-looms rattle, spinning a fold of hours about you. The sigils begin to burn: first like embers, then like gas lamps, then like suns. With a noise like the sky breaking, you are cast across the heavens.
Rare event (20%)
Some of the staff here accompanied you on that journey. Most still have nightmares about it: the poisoned starlight; the vast, breathing shapes that sometimes shared the road, dwarfing your engine.

The moment your locomotive pulls in, those staff begin preparing for your travel. There is no thought of payment.

The arms holding the sequencer-wheels clank to jerky life. The hour-looms rattle, spinning a fold of hours about you. The sigils begin to burn: first like embers, then like gas lamps, then like suns. With a noise like the sky breaking, you are cast across the heavens.
Submit to a customs check
A handful of Revenue Men from London are here, checking the goods passing through. It's unusual for them to make the journey to this end of the relay; they are probably being punished for some past failure.

Game note: You have no contraband on board.

Waved through
The check is hurried, and you have nothing to hide. When the Revenue Men are satisfied, they clear your engine for travel.
Submit to a customs check
A handful of Revenue Men from London are here, today, performing checks on the goods passing through the relay. It is not a coveted job.

Game note: You have hidden contraband on board.

Failed event

Advanced query needs investigation Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

The search is thorough. Your contraband is discovered.

Fortunately, the Revenue Men have little authority here. They can't put you on trial, but they can interrogate you and your crew remorselessly for two days and confiscate your illicit goods.

Afterwards, some of your crew leave your service. They don't want to repeat this incident, and will look for a captain who is able to stay on the right side of the law.
Successful event
Getting away with it
The Revenue Men search your locomotive, but their persistence is less than your cunning. After an hour they depart, having failed to find any of your concealed contraband. You are allowed to travel.
Submit to a customs check
A handful of Revenue Men from London are here, today, performing checks on the goods passing through the relay. It is not a coveted job.

Game note: You have unhidden contraband on board.

Failed event Advanced query needs investigation

Special is calculated as follows: 45+((Contraband-Hidden Compartments)*5) * 1.67

Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

The search is thorough. Your contraband is discovered.

Fortunately, the Revenue Men have little authority here. They can't put you on trial, but they can interrogate you and your crew remorselessly for two days and confiscate your illicit goods.

Afterwards, some of your crew leave your service. They don't want to repeat this incident, and will look for a captain who is able to stay on the right side of the law.
Successful event
Getting away with it
The Revenue Men search your locomotive, but their persistence is less than your cunning. After an hour they depart, having failed to find any of your concealed contraband. You are allowed to travel.
Surrender your contraband
What this? Is it illegal? Goodness! Please, take it.

Game note: You will lose any contraband, but suffer no further consequences.

Better to seek forgiveness than permission
The Revenue Men give you a withering look, but have the contraband examined, stamped, and carried to their locomotive. You are permitted to pass.
Remain in Eleutheria
You needn't leave, yet.
With a shriek of steam and a thunder of pistons, you return to the sable depths of the Eleutherian.

The Blue Kingdom[]

The Blue Kingdom's Transit Relay to the Reach
Category Story Event
Type Story
Data ID 291637

The Blue Kingdom's Transit Relay to the Reach[]

The Kingdom's only transit relay was built by London's embassy, then yielded to the local authorities. Now, its rooms hang with silks of blue and gold. Pale petals carpet the floors.

There is no need to pay for passage. Instead, the Inhabitor-of-the-Threshold will determine whether you are permitted to leave.

It is served by the spirits of jackals, which lounge lazily in the corridors until someone seeks passage. Dining with the Dead(Relay)


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Discharge the spirits of the dead from your service
You know what awaits them beyond the Kingdom. You want no part of it.
Sweet sorrow
They do not argue. They rarely do. Perhaps they have enjoyed their time aboard. Perhaps they are glad to be dismissed. Perhaps they have seen what they wanted to see. They climb down from your engine and head deeper into the relay's chambers.
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Ask to travel to the Reach
No sooner have you spoken the question than the relay's mechanisms grind into motion. Jagged sigils flare with light.
You hurry back to your locomotive as the relay engages. The steel arms swing loudly into position. The casing closes over head. Jets of steam scour your hull.

You hear the rumble of the Correspondence-stones rotating into sequence, and your engine is flung along tunnels that were burrowed through the sky in distant aeons.

Attention: the Burrower Below(TransitC)
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Rare event (20%)
You hurry back to your locomotive as the relay engages. The steel arms swing loudly into position. The casing closes overhead. Jets of steam scour your hull. You hear the rumble of the Correspondence-stones rotating into sequence, and your engine is flung along tunnels that were burrowed through the sky in distant aeons.
Seek an audience with the Inhabitor-of-the-Threshold
Walk deeper into the relay, passing between the jackals. As you do, they will close behind you, following at your heels down a flight of gloomy stairs.
The Servitor of the Sun
The air smells of oil and hot metal. Faint light issues from glass lenses hung on the walls. Within each lens a soul stirs: wispy, with aloof, glittering eyes. The Inhabitor waits amidst the wheels and pistons of the relay's mechanisms. It – or they – sits on a bronzewood stool. At first, the servitor looks like two dark, long-limbed figures sitting back-to-back. But they are fused together at the spine, the elbows, and the back of the skull. Each of its heads wears a death-mask depicting the same serene, vulpine face. One turns towards you. The other, inevitably, turns away.
Reclaim your heart
You left it here – in the form of a wriggling beetle – along with your obligations as a guest of the Westernmost King. You climb down the stairs to the Inhabitor's lair, and politely ask for your heart back.

Game note: Restore your heart, your Hearts, and your debt.

    • Hearts icon The Absence of a Heart = 1 [You have left your heart at the transit relay in the Blue Kingdom, as surety of your return]

As good as new, or thereabouts
The conjoined creature examines its board of beetles. Then it unpins one and drops it in a bowl. Wait, was that the right one?

Before you can enquire, the Inhabitor produces a pestle and smashes the beetle to death. Pain drops you to your knees. When the beetle is ground to paste, the Inhabitor adds silvery dust and a spoonful of black oil. Then it tips the lot into a liquid that is the consistency of curdled milk

You drink it. Something the size of a cardamom seed slips down your throat. "It will take a little time to grow back," the Inhabitor warns. "Expect a period of uncomfortable interior rearrangement."

You ask the Inhabitor whether the heart was definitely yours – it tasted smoky and unfamiliar.

"They are much the same," it answers, blithely.
Rare event (50%)
As good as new, or thereabouts
The conjoined creature examines its board of beetles. Then it unpins one and drops it in a bowl. Wait, was that the right one?

Before you can enquire, the Inhabitor produces a pestle and smashes the beetle to death. Pain drops you to your knees. When the beetle is ground to paste, the Inhabitor adds silvery dust and a spoonful of black oil. Then it tips the lot into a liquid that is the consistency of curdled milk.

You drink it. Something the size of a cardamom seed slips down your throat. "It will take a little time to grow back," the Inhabitor warns. "Expect a period of uncomfortable interior rearrangement."

You ask the Inhabitor whether the heart was definitely yours – it tasted brassy and unfamiliar.

"They are much the same," it answers, blithely.
Remain in the Blue Kingdom
You turn your engine around. You have business here yet.
You put the edifice behind you and head back towards the songs and splendour of the Blue Kingdom. The sun fills your windows with gold.
Region Hub Ports Discoveries / Spectacles
The Reach Newwinchester icon New Winchester Carillon icon Carillon

Hybras icon Hybras
Naturereserve icon Leadbeater & Stainrod's Nature Reserve
Lustrum icon Lustrum
Magdalenes icon Magdalene's
Circus icon Polmear & Plenty's Inconceivable Circus
Portavon icon Port Avon
Portprosper icon Port Prosper
Titania icon Titania
Traitorswood icon Traitor's Wood
Transitrelay icon Transit Relays

Signalbox icon An Abandoned Signal Box

Default icon Faith's Fall
Well green icon Old Tom's Well
Regentsgrave icon Regent's Grave
Rose icon The Flowerfields
Default icon The Regent's Tears
Wreckgeneric icon The Silent Saint
Reach icon The War of Fossils
Wreckgeneric icon Wreck of the Parzifal

Albion London icon London Avidhorizon icon Avid Horizon (The Stair to the Sea)

Perdurance icon Perdurance
Brabazon icon The Brabazon Workworld
Clockworksun icon The Clockwork Sun
Floatingparliament icon The Floating Parliament
Serenemausoleum icon The Most Serene Mausoleum
Royalsociety icon The Royal Society
Transitrelay icon Transit Relays
Worlebury icon Worlebury-juxta-Mare

Default icon Skyhenge

Lantern icon St Anthony's Lighthouse
Avidhorizon icon The Avid Horizon
Well purple icon Well of the Wolf
Wreckgeneric icon Wreck of the Boatman

Eleutheria Pan icon Pan Achlys icon Achlys

Caduceus icon Caduceus
Eaglesempyrean icon Eagle's Empyrean
Langleyhall icon Langley Hall
Piranesi icon Piranesi
Houseofrodsandchains icon The House of Rods and Chains
Transitrelay icon Transit Relays

Default icon The Xanthous Moon

Well yellow icon The Well of Wonders
Wreckgeneric icon Wreck of the Berrenger

The Blue Kingdom Tolltower icon Sky Barnet Deathsdoorstep icon Death's Door (The Shadow of the Sun)

Forgeofsouls icon The Forge of Souls
Whitewell icon The White Well (Wellmouth)
Transitrelay icon Transit Relay

Deathsdoorstep icon Horologion