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Category Skills
Data ID 131140

Veils is one of your Captain's Skills. Some interactions require you to pass a Veils challenge, made easier by having a higher Veils skill.

Skills description[]

"The skill of deceiving and evading."



Veils can be increased through choosing certain Facets.

Facet Name Unlocked With Subgroup Effect
Originurchin icon Origin: Urchin Level 1 The Knotted Sock
The Fisher-Kings
The Regiment
Flag icon Origin: Revolutionary Level 1 With your feet and your fists
With your mind
With your art
Originsoldier icon Origin: Soldier Level 1 In the Commissariat
Originpoet icon Origin: Poet Level 1 The Nocturnals
Originacademic icon Origin: Academic Level 1 Literature
Originpriest icon Origin: Priest Level 1 The Bishop of Southwark
Originzeecaptain icon Origin: Zailor Level 1 You smuggled
Searingenigma icon Origin: Auditor Level 1 The Information Office
Pastspellinprison icon Past: A Spell in Prison Level 2 You served your time quietly
Better the wolf than the lamb
Pastunlikelyhaul icon Past: An Unlikely Haul Level 2

Originurchin icon Origin: Urchin

...a forbidden laboratory
...a forbidden laboratory
Genericcharacter icon Past: The Liberation of Night Level 2

Flag icon Origin: Revolutionary

Your eyes were opened
You sent him packing
CrateofNostalgicCrockery icon Past: Below Stairs Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 2 You kept their secrets
You took them for all they were worth
Pastsmoggystreets icon Past: The Smoggy Streets Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 2

Stovepipe icon Past: The August Avenues = 0

You were at home
You despised it
Cobwebs icon Past: the Great Game Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 4 Foreign powers
Domestic threats
Terror icon Past: The Bell Tolls Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 8 In bed
In the cold skies
Rubberyman icon Past: Rubbery Inclinations Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 12 For charity's sake
To learn their shapeling arts
Repentantdevil icon Past: the Devil you Know Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 12 For the power
Their parties
Wreckgeneric icon Deed: a Disgraced Predecessor Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 3

Genericcharacter icon Generation ≥ 2
Wreckgeneric icon Deed: an Esteemed Predecessor = 0

To villains
To romantics
Affiliationacadame icon Deed: a Secret Symposium Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 10

Affiliationacadame icon Affiliation: Academe ≥ 2

'A Forensic Assessment of the Sun's Remains'
'The Condemned Classics: an International Perspective'
Smuggling icon Deed: Seasoned Smuggler Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 3

Smuggling icon Reputation: Smugglers ≥ 3

Smuggling icon Deed: the Call of the Sea Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 3

Worlebury icon Grateful Punishment of a Scorn-Fluke ≥ 1

Revel in them
Deny them
Dyingstar icon Past: a Terrible Secret Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 3

Dyingstar icon Heirloom: a Terrible Secret ≥ 1

You sought no further
You sought no further
Martyrkingscup icon Past: the Martyr-King's Cup Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 3

Martyrkingscup icon Heirloom: the Martyr-King's Cup ≥ 1

An enigmatic admirer
Your immortal predecessor
Pastinterlude icon Past: An Interlude in Red and Gold Level 2 No. You just learned to lie
Pastscandal icon Past: Scandal Level 2 A torrid affair
Smokinggun icon Past: The Battlefield Level 2

Originsoldier icon Origin: Soldier

In defeat
Unlicensedchart icon Past: Your Masterpiece Level 2

Originacademic icon Origin: Academic

A scathing critique of the New Astronomy
Searingenigma icon Past: A Letter of Resignation Level 2

Ministryliterature icon Origin: Auditor

Your compromised allegiances
Stovepipe icon Past: The August Avenues Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 2

Pastsmoggystreets icon Past: The Smoggy Streets = 0

Secretly and occasionally
Key icon Past: a Metamorphosis Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 4 A blank slate
Bronzewood icon Past: Family Footsteps Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 4 Their vices
Locomotive icon Past: Steam & Soot Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 4 Eavesdropping on skyfarers' stories
BarrelofUnseasonedHours icon Past: A Promise of Days Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 6 Gallivanting
Youarenotalone icon Past: Haunted Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 6 Nightmarish visitations
Undistinguishedsouls icon Past: Spirifered Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 6 Through a deal with a devil
Stormthatspeaks icon Past: the Seance Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 6 You were a plant
Amberblue icon Past: Pestilence Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 8

Visitor: Albion

Beside your heart
Fire icon Past: the Blockade of New Winchester Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 8 The Stovepipes
Envelope icon Past: Correspondent Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 11 The newspapers
Ringmaster icon Past: a House of Cards Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 11 Because you cheat
Ratronaut icon Past: an Honorary Rat Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 12 You suspect you were their mascot
Boot icon Past: the Long Arm of the Law Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 12 An informant
Hull icon Deed: a Narrow Escape Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 3
Locomotive icon Incident: a Narrow Escape ≥ 1
You have learned to be cautious
Transitrelay icon Deed: Far-Travelled Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 3
Reach icon Visitor: The Reach ≥ 1

Visitor: Albion ≥ 1
Visitor: Eleutheria ≥ 1
Visitor: The Blue Kingdom ≥ 1

Affiliationestablishment icon Deed: Your Club Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 10
Affiliationestablishment icon Affiliation: Establishment ≥ 2
The Parthenaeum
Devilshell icon Deed: A Knight of the Brazen Brigade Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 3
Devilshell icon A Marcher in the Brazen Brigade ≥ 616 [[COMPLETE]You are a Knight of the Brazen Brigade]
Mad, bad, and dangerous to know
Mirrors icon Deed: the Witness Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 3
Pan icon A Friend to the Heart-Catchers ≥ 50 [[COMPLETE]You may seek audiences with the First of the Heart-Catchers]
Bloody icon Deed: The Final Month Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 3
Bloody icon Winter's Reside: Season's Passing ≥ 1 [You are closely entwined with the Liberation of the Night.]
For the sake of revenge


Veils can be increased through recruiting certain Officers.

Name Position Recruited at Effect
Fortunatenavigator icon Fortunate Navigator First Officers
Locket icon Old Friend First Officers
Royaldispensation icon The Portrait of the Unseen Queen First Officers
Royaldispensation icon The Unseen Queen, depicted with the Martyr-King's Cup First Officers
Inconvenientaunt icon Your Revolutionary Aunt Quartermasters
Chiropteroushoarder icon Chiropterous Hoarder Quartermasters
Chiropteroushoarder icon Immutable Hoarder Quartermasters
Forgedcompanion icon Illusive Forged Companion Quartermasters
    Veils icon +10 Veils
Fatalisticsignalman icon Fatalistic Signalman Signallers
Repentantdevil icon Repentant Devil Signallers
Repentantdevil icon Defiant Devil Signallers
Amiablevagabond icon Amiable Vagabond Signallers
Amiablevagabond icon Incorrigible Vagabond Signallers
Ratbrigade icon The Rat Brigade Chief Engineers
Ratbrigade icon The Ratty Revengers Chief Engineers
Perfectpangolin icon Perfect Pangolin Mascots
    Veils icon +1 Veils
Dilly icon Dilly Mascots


Interactions in Brief[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Interaction Action Result Type Change
Explore the City 'Warn the Ironical Reformist' Requirement
Who Were You? 'A street urchin' Default / Challenge Fail = 25
Who Were You? 'In the Royal Horse Guards' Default / Challenge Fail = 10
Who Were You? 'In the Commissariat' Default / Challenge Fail = 17
Who Were You? 'In the Corps of Royal Engineers' Default / Challenge Fail = 10
Who Were You? 'The Celestials' Default / Challenge Fail = 10
Who Were You? 'The Nocturnals' Default / Challenge Fail = 17
Who Were You? 'The Sovereign School' Default / Challenge Fail = 10
Who Were You? 'The practical sciences' Default / Challenge Fail = 10
Who Were You? 'The language of the heavens' Default / Challenge Fail = 10
Who Were You? 'Literature' Default / Challenge Fail = 17
Who Were You? 'A Bright-Eyed Sequencer' Default / Challenge Fail = 10
Who Were You? 'The Bishop of Southwark' Default / Challenge Fail = 17
Who Were You? 'Your parishioners' Default / Challenge Fail = 10
Who Were You? 'You smuggled' Default / Challenge Fail = 17
Who Were You? 'You explored' Default / Challenge Fail = 10
Who Were You? 'You bought and you sold' Default / Challenge Fail = 10
Who Were You? 'The Information Office' Default / Challenge Fail = 17
Who Were You? 'The Department of Sensibility' Default / Challenge Fail = 10
Who Were You? 'The Department of Corrections' Default / Challenge Fail = 10
Who Were You? 'A revolutionary' Default / Challenge Fail = 25
Pasts 'A Spell in Prison' Default / Challenge Fail +5
Pasts 'No. You just learned to lie' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'A torrid affair' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'A scathing critique of the New Astronomy' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'An Unlikely Haul' Default / Challenge Fail +5
Pasts 'The Smoggy Streets' Default / Challenge Fail +5
Pasts 'The Call of the Sea' Default / Challenge Fail +5
Pasts 'Secretly and occasionally' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'Nightmarish visitations' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'Gallivanting' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'Beside your heart' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'In defeat' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'You withered and fled' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'Your compromised allegiances' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'The Liberation of Night' Default / Challenge Fail +5
Pasts 'Their vices' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'The Bell Tolls' Default / Challenge Fail +5
Pasts 'The Stovepipes' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'Terrors!' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'You have learned to be cautious' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'For the sake of revenge' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'Mad, bad, and dangerous to know' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'Profanity' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'A Secret of the Stars' Default / Challenge Fail +5
Pasts 'The Parthenaeum' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'A Secret Symposium' Default / Challenge Fail +5
Pasts 'A Seasoned Smuggler' Default / Challenge Fail +5
Pasts 'A blank slate' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'A Disgraced Predecessor' Default / Challenge Fail +5
Pasts 'A Quester in your Lineage' Default / Challenge Fail +5
Pasts 'Eavesdropping on skyfarers' stories' Default / Challenge Fail +3
A Wreck! 'Enter through the yawning tear in the hull' Requirement
A Wreck! 'Dispose of a Death in a Jar' Requirement
Hybras Deserted 'Explore the colony' Requirement
The Windward Company Factory 'Lurk in the shadows' Requirement
The Admiral Nelson 'Eavesdrop' Requirement
In the Wilderness 'Pass through the cave' Requirement
Explore London 'Present a Bowlderised Poem to Storridges' Requirement
Explore London 'Disseminate a dangerous essay on Blue Kingdom Philosophy' Requirement
The Ruins 'Conduct a nocturnal excavation' Requirement
The Light in the Mountain 'Steal something from the treasure' Requirement
The Royal Observatory 'Attempt to break into the Observatory' Requirement
Chequerboard Garden 'Gain a penance of Shift of Perspective ' Requirement
The Political Machine 'Dig up dirt on a rival MP' Requirement
The Political Machine 'Leak compromising information to the press' Requirement
The Political Machine 'Conduct a bribery campaign' Requirement
In the vents 'Trick your engineer into giving the creature up' Requirement
The Parlour 'Stand for Parliament in Perdurance' Requirement
The Half-Light Masque: Morning 'Charm the chaperones' Requirement
The Half-Light Masque: Afternoon 'Charm a chaperone' Requirement
The Half-Light Masque: Evening 'Assist the chaperones' Requirement
The Clocks Must Run On Time 'Sabotage the clock' Requirement
The New Street Line's Garret 'Arrange a smuggling operation' Requirement
A Polite But Firm Customs Search 'Attempt to hide your contraband' Requirement
Bully's Acre 'Break open a coffin' Requirement
Bully's Acre 'Break open a coffin' Requirement
Bully's Acre 'Break open a coffin' Requirement
The Sun-Shattered Dome 'Pick your way through the glass congregation' Requirement
A Race against Unravelling Time 'Disable the locks' Requirement
The Pebble Beach 'Wonder: what makes the jaunt so disconcerting?' Requirement
The Off Season 'Feed the Lanes' Requirement
The Off Season 'Sabotage the workers while the Bureau carries out a raid' Requirement
The Beach, in the Off Season 'Make things deeply unpleasant for the cult' Requirement
Incarceration 'Your eyes are crumbling clay' Requirement ≤ 4
Beams and Empty Bird-cages 'Trick the Performer into revealing the Third Rule' Requirement
A Change By Proxy 'Blunt the keen edges of your mind' Requirement ≥ 5
A Change By Proxy 'Blunt the keen edges of your mind' Default / Challenge Fail + -[d:5]
A Change By Proxy 'Calcify your heart' Requirement ≥ 5
A Change By Proxy 'Calcify your heart' Default / Challenge Fail + -[d:5]
Deterioration 'Break yourself open' Default / Challenge Fail + [q:135601]
Deterioration 'Blunt the keen edges of your mind' Requirement ≥ 5
Deterioration 'Blunt the keen edges of your mind' Default / Challenge Fail + -[q:135601]
Deterioration 'Calcify your heart' Requirement ≥ 5
Deterioration 'Calcify your heart' Default / Challenge Fail + -[q:135601]
Adaptation 'Trick the Glib Performer into imprisonment' Requirement
Sigrid Spitesdottir 'Steal Sigrid's chocolate supply' Requirement
The Little Lounge 'Share your story' Requirement
The Study 'Peruse the shelves and desks' Requirement
The Study 'Attempt a rescue' Requirement
The Albion Transit Relay 'Bribe the superintendent to give you a travel permit' Requirement
The Albion Transit Relay to the Reach 'Bribe the superintendent to give you a travel permit' Requirement
The Blue Kingdom's Transit Relay to the Reach 'Reclaim your heart' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Star-Maddened Explorer is Defeated 'Examine the captain's logs' Requirement
The Deranged Dreadnought is Defeated 'Claim its weaponry' Requirement
Within a Weft of Unravelling Time 'Escape the days of innocence' Requirement
Within a Weft of Unravelling Time 'Escape the effulgent past' Requirement
Within a Weft of Unravelling Time 'Attempt to repair the Weft' Requirement
Inside the Offices of the Windward Company 'Sneak in to the Lt's office. ' Requirement
A Visitation: Conversation 'Unsee her' Requirement
A Visitation: To Hide Away 'You're hiding from the stars' Default / Challenge Fail +1
A Visitation: To Hide Away 'You're concealing all the new eyes you've been cultivating' Default / Challenge Fail -1
A Nightmare: Deterioration 'This is a good start' Default / Challenge Fail -1
Alcoholics and Melancholics 'Impersonate the gentlefolk of the press! ' Requirement
A Memorable Wedding 'Throw the ring into the well' Default / Challenge Fail -1
Adventures with Beeswax and Flame 'Trap the Princess' Requirement
With the Princess, Below Stairs at Perdurance 'Pose as an Engineer' Requirement
The Process of Removal 'Your freedom' Default / Challenge Fail -5
The Process of Removal 'Your youth' Default / Challenge Fail -5
The Hour of Trumpets 'Spy on the hunt' Requirement
The Hour of Veractity 'Avoid them as you go about your business' Requirement
The Nurseries 'Keep it on your bedside cabinet' Default / Challenge Fail -5
The Nurseries 'You buried it deep' Default / Challenge Fail -2
The Nurseries 'Keep it on your bedside cabinet' Default / Challenge Fail -5
The Nurseries 'You buried it deep' Default / Challenge Fail -2
A Star-Seared Explorer, Defeated 'Search for something you can trade' Requirement
A Resurrectionist, Deceased 'Search the locomotive for valuables' Requirement
A Lengthy Expedition into Traitor's Wood 'Hide from the beasts' Requirement
A Lengthy Expedition into Traitor's Wood 'Take shelter' Requirement
A Short Expedition into Traitor's Wood 'Hide from the beasts' Requirement
A Short Expedition into Traitor's Wood 'Take shelter' Requirement
The Giggling Place 'Enter the hollow' Default / Challenge Fail -1
The Clocks in the Eagle's Empyrean 'Sabotage the clock' Requirement
A Candlelit Graveyard 'Steal the corpse' Requirement
An Encounter in the Blue Kingdom 'Construct something from a few odds and ends' Requirement
Adrift! 'Evade your attacker' Requirement
A Bull Cantankeri, Defeated 'Capture a lesser cantankeri clinging to the bull's underbelly' Requirement
A Hostile Engine Intercepted your Signal 'Lure them in, and try to steal some of their fuel' Requirement
Mutiny! 'Trigger your trap, and jettison the ringleaders' Requirement
The Bacchae 'Convince your shades to care for the crew' Requirement
The Chorea Machabaeorum 'Eavesdrop on the Judge's conversation' Requirement
Wellmouth 'Hide and spy on the Widows' secret ceremony' Requirement
The Wreck of the Ozymandias 'Lead your party on a more precarious path' Requirement
Investigate the Black Box 'Pick the lock yourself' Requirement
Clone: 'undefined' Requirement ≥ 1
Clone: 'undefined' Default / Challenge Fail + 1 - [q:131140]
Deeper into the Catafalque 'Pass the Logoi while avoiding its tendrils of fire' Requirement
The Test of Definition 'Slip away without attracting the Logoi's notice' Requirement
The Sands Run Down 'Pretend to acquiesce, then return in the night with your crew' Requirement
A Masterclass in Pugilism 'Threaten your crew with the hatch unless they stop fighting' Requirement
Low Rations, High Tempers 'Obstruct the Companion' Requirement
An Encounter in the Passageway 'Hide from the Companion' Requirement
Beyond Death's Door 'Discover what happens to spirits beyond Death's Door' Requirement
The Embassy of Albion 'Seek an appointment with the Ambassador' Requirement
The Court of Oaks 'Undergo the removal of your Flickering soul flaw' Requirement ≥ 1
The Court of Oaks 'Undergo the removal of your Flickering soul flaw' Default / Challenge Fail -1
The Court of Apes 'Achieve a Testament of the Feather' Requirement
The Revenue Men 'Conceal your contraband' Requirement
The Revenue Men 'Conceal your contraband as best you can' Requirement
Caught Red-Handed 'Spin a Web of Deceit' Requirement
The Punishment 'Guilty!' Default / Challenge Fail + -1
The Punishment 'Guilty!' Default / Challenge Fail + -1
Honour Amongst Thieves 'Hide your Contraband' Requirement
A Raid by the Authorities 'Attempt to hide your contraband' Requirement
A Raid by the Empyrean 'Attempt to hide your contraband' Requirement
The Waxwork Symposium 'Struggle to work yourself free' Requirement
The Waxwork Symposium 'Wriggle free of your bonds' Requirement
The Crumbling Towers 'Cross the narrow beam' Requirement
The Final Champion 'A duel in the dark' Requirement
And the Lamps Burned Blue 'Invent a comforting lie ' Requirement
The Clocks At Worlebury Must Run On Time 'Sabotage the clock' Requirement

Interactions in Detail[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Action Required Effect
Explore the City Warn the Ironical Reformist Default:

Who Were You? A street urchin None Default:
    • Veils icon Veils = 25
In the Royal Horse Guards None Default:
    • Veils icon Veils = 10
    • Iron icon Clear = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as disappointingly clear; almost transparent.]
    • Mirrors icon Lightless = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as distressingly bland, inoffensive and liable to dissatisfaction.]
In the Commissariat None Default:
In the Corps of Royal Engineers None Default:
The Celestials None Default:
    • Veils icon Veils = 10
    • Pastscandal icon Flickering = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as intermittently tantalising with an aftertaste of disappointment.]
    • Iron icon Clear = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as disappointingly clear; almost transparent.]
The Nocturnals None Default:
    • Veils icon Veils = 17
    • Hunger icon Fermented = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as pungent, febrile and unappetising.]
    • Pastscandal icon Flickering = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as intermittently tantalising with an aftertaste of disappointment.]
The Sovereign School None Default:
    • Veils icon Veils = 10
    • Pastscandal icon Flickering = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as intermittently tantalising with an aftertaste of disappointment.]
    • Fire icon Curdled = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as sickly, cloying and unappetisingly crawling. ]
The practical sciences None Default:
    • Veils icon Veils = 10
    • Bloody icon Cold = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as still, pale and chilly to the palate..]
    • Mirrors icon Lightless = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as distressingly bland, inoffensive and liable to dissatisfaction.]
The language of the heavens None Default:
    • Veils icon Veils = 10
    • Drink icon Stained = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as over-rich, cindered and irrevocably damaged.]
    • Bloody icon Cold = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as still, pale and chilly to the palate..]
Literature None Default:
    • Veils icon Veils = 17
    • Bloody icon Cold = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as still, pale and chilly to the palate..]
    • Pastscandal icon Flickering = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as intermittently tantalising with an aftertaste of disappointment.]
A Bright-Eyed Sequencer None Default:
    • Veils icon Veils = 10
    • Iron icon Clear = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as disappointingly clear; almost transparent.]
    • Drink icon Stained = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as over-rich, cindered and irrevocably damaged.]
The Bishop of Southwark None Default:
    • Veils icon Veils = 17
    • Iron icon Clear = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as disappointingly clear; almost transparent.]
    • Bloody icon Cold = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as still, pale and chilly to the palate..]
Your parishioners None Default:
    • Veils icon Veils = 10
    • Iron icon Clear = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as disappointingly clear; almost transparent.]
    • Fire icon Curdled = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as sickly, cloying and unappetisingly crawling. ]
You smuggled None Default:
    • Veils icon Veils = 17
    • Hunger icon Fermented = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as pungent, febrile and unappetising.]
    • Pastscandal icon Flickering = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as intermittently tantalising with an aftertaste of disappointment.]
You explored None Default:
    • Veils icon Veils = 10
    • Hunger icon Fermented = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as pungent, febrile and unappetising.]
    • Drink icon Stained = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as over-rich, cindered and irrevocably damaged.]
You bought and you sold None Default:
    • Veils icon Veils = 10
    • Hunger icon Fermented = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as pungent, febrile and unappetising.]
    • Mirrors icon Lightless = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as distressingly bland, inoffensive and liable to dissatisfaction.]
The Information Office None Default:
    • Veils icon Veils = 17
    • Bloody icon Cold = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as still, pale and chilly to the palate..]
    • Iron icon Clear = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as disappointingly clear; almost transparent.]
The Department of Sensibility None Default:
    • Ministryliterature icon Origin: Auditor = 20 [You were appointed to the Department of Sensibility]
    • Veils icon Veils = 10
    • Bloody icon Cold = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as still, pale and chilly to the palate..]
    • Fire icon Curdled = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as sickly, cloying and unappetisingly crawling. ]
The Department of Corrections None Default:
    • Ministryliterature icon Origin: Auditor = 30 [You were appointed to the Department of Corrections]
    • Veils icon Veils = 10
    • Bloody icon Cold = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as still, pale and chilly to the palate..]
    • Mirrors icon Lightless = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as distressingly bland, inoffensive and liable to dissatisfaction.]
A revolutionary None Default:
    • Veils icon Veils = 25

Pasts A Spell in Prison Default:
    • Veils icon +5 x Veils
No. You just learned to lie None Default:
A torrid affair None Default:
    • Veils icon +3 x Veils
A scathing critique of the New Astronomy None Default:
An Unlikely Haul Default:
    • Veils icon +5 x Veils
The Smoggy Streets Default:
    • Veils icon +5 x Veils
The Call of the Sea Default:
    • Veils icon +5 x Veils
Secretly and occasionally None Default:
Nightmarish visitations None Default:
Gallivanting None Default:
Beside your heart None Default:
    • Amberblue icon Past: Pestilence = 20 [Your breast has become translucent, and allows an educational – if distressing – view of your coursing veins and thumping heart]
    • Veils icon +3 x Veils
In defeat None Default:
You withered and fled None Default:
Your compromised allegiances None Default:
The Liberation of Night Default:
    • Veils icon +5 x Veils
Their vices None Default:
The Bell Tolls Default:
    • Veils icon +5 x Veils
The Stovepipes None Default:
Terrors! None Default:
You have learned to be cautious None Default:
For the sake of revenge None Default:
Mad, bad, and dangerous to know None Default:
Profanity None Default:
A Secret of the Stars Default:
    • Veils icon +5 x Veils
The Parthenaeum None Default:
    • Veils icon +3 x Veils
    • Affiliationestablishment icon Deed: Your Club = 20 [You belong to the Parthenaeum, where the wheels of empire are turned]
A Secret Symposium Default:
A Seasoned Smuggler Default:
A blank slate None Default:
A Disgraced Predecessor Default:
    • Veils icon +5 x Veils
A Quester in your Lineage Default:
    • Veils icon +5 x Veils
Eavesdropping on skyfarers' stories None Default:
A Wreck! Enter through the yawning tear in the hull Default:
Dispose of a Death in a Jar Default:

Hybras Deserted Explore the colony Default:
    • Figuresinthemarsh icon On the Hunt for Hybras = 20 [Consult an expert in Hybrean Fungus at the Leadbeater & Stainrod Nature Reserve to continue your investigation]

The Windward Company Factory Lurk in the shadows
    • Veils icon Veils (33 for 100%)

The Admiral Nelson Eavesdrop
    • Veils icon Veils (33 for 100%)

In the Wilderness Pass through the cave Default:

Explore London Present a Bowlderised Poem to Storridges
    • Veils icon Veils (100 for 100%)
Disseminate a dangerous essay on Blue Kingdom Philosophy Default:

The Ruins Conduct a nocturnal excavation Default:

The Light in the Mountain Steal something from the treasure Default:

The Royal Observatory Attempt to break into the Observatory
    • Veils icon Veils (117 for 100%)

Chequerboard Garden Gain a penance of Shift of Perspective
    • Veils icon Veils (58 for 100%)

The Political Machine Dig up dirt on a rival MP Default:
Leak compromising information to the press Default:
Conduct a bribery campaign Default:

In the vents Trick your engineer into giving the creature up
    • Veils icon Veils (58 for 100%)

The Parlour Stand for Parliament in Perdurance Default:

The Half-Light Masque: Morning Charm the chaperones Default:

The Half-Light Masque: Afternoon Charm a chaperone Default:

The Half-Light Masque: Evening Assist the chaperones Default:

The Clocks Must Run On Time Sabotage the clock
    • Veils icon Veils

The New Street Line's Garret Arrange a smuggling operation Default:

A Polite But Firm Customs Search Attempt to hide your contraband Default:

Bully's Acre Break open a coffin Default:
Break open a coffin Default:
Break open a coffin Default:

The Sun-Shattered Dome Pick your way through the glass congregation Default:

A Race against Unravelling Time Disable the locks Default:

The Pebble Beach Wonder: what makes the jaunt so disconcerting? Default:
The Off Season Feed the Lanes Default:
Sabotage the workers while the Bureau carries out a raid Default:

The Beach, in the Off Season Make things deeply unpleasant for the cult Default:

Incarceration Your eyes are crumbling clay
    • Veils icon Veils ≤ 4

Beams and Empty Bird-cages Trick the Performer into revealing the Third Rule

A Change By Proxy Blunt the keen edges of your mind Default:
Calcify your heart Default:

Deterioration Break yourself open Default:
Blunt the keen edges of your mind Default:
Calcify your heart Default:

Adaptation Trick the Glib Performer into imprisonment Default:

Sigrid Spitesdottir Steal Sigrid's chocolate supply
    • Veils icon Veils (125 for 100%)
    • Achlys icon Odd Jobs in Achlys Town = 11 [One of the Ringbreaker Urchins wants you to steal some chocolate from the Valkyrie, Sigrid]

The Little Lounge Share your story Default:

The Study Peruse the shelves and desks Default:
Attempt a rescue Default:

The Albion Transit Relay Bribe the superintendent to give you a travel permit Default:

The Albion Transit Relay to the Reach Bribe the superintendent to give you a travel permit Default:

The Blue Kingdom's Transit Relay to the Reach Reclaim your heart
    • Hearts icon The Absence of a Heart = 1 [You have left your heart at the transit relay in the Blue Kingdom, as surety of your return]

The Star-Maddened Explorer is Defeated Examine the captain's logs
    • Veils icon Veils (42 for 100%)

The Deranged Dreadnought is Defeated Claim its weaponry
    • Veils icon Veils (67 for 100%)

Within a Weft of Unravelling Time Escape the days of innocence Default:
Escape the effulgent past Default:
Attempt to repair the Weft Default:

Inside the Offices of the Windward Company Sneak in to the Lt's office. Default:

A Visitation: Conversation Unsee her
    • Veils icon Veils
    • Iron icon Clear = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as disappointingly clear; almost transparent.]

A Visitation: To Hide Away You're hiding from the stars None Default:
You're concealing all the new eyes you've been cultivating None Default:

A Nightmare: Deterioration This is a good start None Default:

Alcoholics and Melancholics Impersonate the gentlefolk of the press!
    • Amberblue icon Something Blue = 10 [The Incognito Princess seeks 'something blue' in Worlebury-juxta-Mare]
    • Veils icon Veils (67 for 100%)
    • Amberblue icon Something Blue = 20 [[COMPLETE]The Incognito Princess found what she sought in Worlebury-juxta-Mare]

A Memorable Wedding Throw the ring into the well None Default:

Adventures with Beeswax and Flame Trap the Princess
    • Veils icon Veils (84 for 100%)

With the Princess, Below Stairs at Perdurance Pose as an Engineer
    • BarrelofUnseasonedHours icon Something New = 10 [The Incognito Princess seeks 'something new' at Perdurance]
    • Veils icon Veils (58 for 100%)

The Process of Removal Your freedom Default:
Your youth Default:

The Hour of Trumpets Spy on the hunt
    • Veils icon Veils (84 for 100%)

The Hour of Veractity Avoid them as you go about your business
    • Veils icon Veils (75 for 100%)

The Nurseries Keep it on your bedside cabinet None Default:
You buried it deep None Default:
Keep it on your bedside cabinet None Default:
You buried it deep None Default:

A Star-Seared Explorer, Defeated Search for something you can trade
    • Veils icon Veils (100 for 100%)

A Resurrectionist, Deceased Search the locomotive for valuables
    • Veils icon Veils (84 for 100%)

A Lengthy Expedition into Traitor's Wood Hide from the beasts Default:
Take shelter Default:

A Short Expedition into Traitor's Wood Hide from the beasts Default:
Take shelter Default:

The Giggling Place Enter the hollow Default:

The Clocks in the Eagle's Empyrean Sabotage the clock
    • Veils icon Veils

A Candlelit Graveyard Steal the corpse
    • Veils icon Veils (84 for 100%)

An Encounter in the Blue Kingdom Construct something from a few odds and ends Default:

Adrift! Evade your attacker Default:

A Bull Cantankeri, Defeated Capture a lesser cantankeri clinging to the bull's underbelly Default:

A Hostile Engine Intercepted your Signal Lure them in, and try to steal some of their fuel
    • Veils icon Veils

Mutiny! Trigger your trap, and jettison the ringleaders
    • Veils icon Veils (125 for 100%)

The Bacchae Convince your shades to care for the crew Default:

The Chorea Machabaeorum Eavesdrop on the Judge's conversation Default:

Wellmouth Hide and spy on the Widows' secret ceremony Default:

The Wreck of the Ozymandias Lead your party on a more precarious path Default:

Investigate the Black Box Pick the lock yourself Default:

Deeper into the Catafalque Pass the Logoi while avoiding its tendrils of fire
    • Veils icon Veils (72 for 100%)

The Test of Definition Slip away without attracting the Logoi's notice Default:

The Sands Run Down Pretend to acquiesce, then return in the night with your crew
    • Veils icon Veils (110 for 100%)

A Masterclass in Pugilism Threaten your crew with the hatch unless they stop fighting
    • Veils icon Veils (100 for 100%)

Low Rations, High Tempers Obstruct the Companion
    • Veils icon Veils (100 for 100%)

An Encounter in the Passageway Hide from the Companion
    • Veils icon Veils (134 for 100%)

Beyond Death's Door Discover what happens to spirits beyond Death's Door
    • Veils icon Veils (92 for 100%)

The Embassy of Albion Seek an appointment with the Ambassador Default:

The Court of Oaks Undergo the removal of your Flickering soul flaw Default:
    • Pastscandal icon Flickering = 0 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as tantalisingly opaque, and rich with personality.]
    • Veils icon -1 x Veils

The Court of Apes Achieve a Testament of the Feather Default:

The Revenue Men Conceal your contraband Default:
Conceal your contraband as best you can Default:

Caught Red-Handed Spin a Web of Deceit Default:

The Punishment Guilty! Default:
Guilty! Default:

Honour Amongst Thieves Hide your Contraband
    • Veils icon Veils

A Raid by the Authorities Attempt to hide your contraband
    • Veils icon Veils

A Raid by the Empyrean Attempt to hide your contraband
    • Veils icon Veils

The Waxwork Symposium Struggle to work yourself free Default:
Wriggle free of your bonds Default:
    • Martyrkingscup icon Ambition: The Martyr-King's Cup = 100 [[COMPLETE]You have failed the quest for the Martyr-King's Cup. Perhaps a more worthy quester will take up your mantle one day]
    • Drink icon Stained = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as over-rich, cindered and irrevocably damaged.]
    Triggers event: Circus ambience The Inconceivable Circus!

The Crumbling Towers Cross the narrow beam
    • Veils icon Veils (112 for 100%)
    • Martyrkingscup icon Ambition: The Martyr-King's Cup = 100 [[COMPLETE]You have failed the quest for the Martyr-King's Cup. Perhaps a more worthy quester will take up your mantle one day]
    • Drink icon Stained = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as over-rich, cindered and irrevocably damaged.]
    Triggers event: Pan ambience King's Idyll Station

The Final Champion A duel in the dark
    • Veils icon Veils (67 for 100%)
    • Martyrkingscup icon Ambition: The Martyr-King's Cup = 100 [[COMPLETE]You have failed the quest for the Martyr-King's Cup. Perhaps a more worthy quester will take up your mantle one day]
    • Drink icon Stained = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as over-rich, cindered and irrevocably damaged.]

And the Lamps Burned Blue Invent a comforting lie
    • Veils icon Veils (84 for 100%)

The Clocks At Worlebury Must Run On Time Sabotage the clock
    • Veils icon Veils

Triggered Events[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Requirements Type Location
An Approach from a Gloomy Middleman
    • Veils ≥ 40
Story Event (Always :100%) St Dominic's Station