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Vision of Heavens Randomiser
Category Hidden
Type Discovery: Signal Boxes
Data ID 137057

Vision of Heavens Randomiser is considered a Hidden Quality Discovery: Signal Boxes in Sunless Skies.

Hidden description[]



Hidden Qualities are used to track various things and are invisble to the player.

Quality status[]

Vision of Heavens Randomiser has different statuses according to your actions, defined by the comment in front of the quality.

Variable Interaction description[]

These desciptions appear when a specific group is called for text.


  • [0] The captain writes feverishly of a light that danced at some distance before them. After some hours following it, it abruptly grew, getting brighter as it did. Then nothing, only the sense of something lost without a chance to understand.
  • [1] The captain writes feverishly of a light that danced at some distance before them. After some hours following it, it abruptly grew, getting brighter as it did. Then nothing. Just— Gone.
  • [25] The writing is blotched and smeared, as if the writer had tried to wipe tears from the page. What is legible speaks of a place as dark as sleep, as quiet as a forgotten story. They barely escaped; they want to return.
  • [50] The captain describes the dapple of distant starlight falling over their engine; the long hours spent in the watchful dark, suddenly shattered by a dazzle of cold radiance. When will they know such splendour again?
  • [75] The captain writes of a vast object that drew a burning arc across their path. It seared a line into their vision and the navigator's heart. She insisted on trying to follow it for days.


Interactions in Brief[]

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Interaction Action Result Type Change
An Abandoned Signal Box 'Read the ledger' Rare Event = [d:100]

Interactions in Detail[]

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Story Action Required Effect
An Abandoned Signal Box Read the ledger Rare:

Template:Navbox Hidden
