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Visitor: The Reach
Category Hidden
Type Travel
Data ID 135650

Visitor: The Reach is considered a Hidden Quality Travel in Sunless Skies.




Hidden Qualities are used to track various things and are invisble to the player.

Quality status[]

Visitor: The Reach has different statuses according to your actions, defined by the comment in front of the quality.

Variable Interaction description[]

These desciptions appear when a specific group is called for text.


  • [10] free trader"


  • [10] scrappy Tackety trader"


  • [10] Marauder, jagged and clanking, "


  • [10] Here is an ivied ruin of the Reach, graceful with arches and bristled with sprouts of moss and mushrooms.


Interactions in Brief[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Interaction Action Result Type Change
Pasts 'Far-Travelled' Requirement ≥ 1
The Albion Transit Relay 'Travel to Albion, first class' Default / Challenge Fail = 1
The Albion Transit Relay 'Travel to Albion, first class' Rare Event = 1
The Albion Transit Relay 'Travel to Albion, second class' Default / Challenge Fail = 1
The Albion Transit Relay 'Travel to Albion, second class' Rare Event = 1
The Albion Transit Relay to the Reach 'Travel to the Reach, first class' Default / Challenge Fail = 10
The Albion Transit Relay to the Reach 'Travel to the Reach, first class' Rare Event = 10
The Albion Transit Relay to the Reach 'Travel to the Reach, second class' Default / Challenge Fail = 10
The Albion Transit Relay to the Reach 'Travel to the Reach, second class' Rare Event = 10
The Albion Transit Relay to the Reach 'Pay sovereigns for second-class travel to the Reach' Default / Challenge Fail = 10
The Albion Transit Relay to the Reach 'Pay sovereigns for second-class travel to the Reach' Rare Event = 10
The Eleutheria Transit Relay 'Travel to Eleutheria' Default / Challenge Fail = 1
The Eleutheria Transit Relay 'Travel to Eleutheria' Rare Event = 1
The Eleutheria Transit Relay 'Travel to Eleutheria' Default / Challenge Fail = 1
The Eleutheria Transit Relay 'Travel to Eleutheria' Rare Event = 1
The Eleutherian Transit Relay to the Reach 'Travel to the Reach' Default / Challenge Fail = 10
The Eleutherian Transit Relay to the Reach 'Travel to the Reach' Rare Event = 10
The Eleutherian Transit Relay to the Reach 'Travel to the Reach' Default / Challenge Fail = 10
The Eleutherian Transit Relay to the Reach 'Travel to the Reach' Rare Event = 10
The Blue Kingdom Transit Relay 'Travel to the Blue Kingdom, unofficially' Default / Challenge Fail = 1
The Blue Kingdom Transit Relay 'Travel to the Blue Kingdom, unofficially' Rare Event = 1
The Blue Kingdom Transit Relay 'Travel to the Blue Kingdom, first class' Default / Challenge Fail = 1
The Blue Kingdom Transit Relay 'Travel to the Blue Kingdom, first class' Rare Event = 1
The Blue Kingdom Transit Relay 'Travel to the Blue Kingdom, second class' Default / Challenge Fail = 1
The Blue Kingdom Transit Relay 'Travel to the Blue Kingdom, second class' Rare Event = 1
The Blue Kingdom's Transit Relay to the Reach 'Ask to travel to the Reach' Default / Challenge Fail = 10
The Blue Kingdom's Transit Relay to the Reach 'Ask to travel to the Reach' Rare Event = 10

Interactions in Detail[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Action Required Effect
Pasts Far-Travelled Default:

The Albion Transit Relay Travel to Albion, first class Default: Rare:
Travel to Albion, second class Default: Rare:

The Albion Transit Relay to the Reach Travel to the Reach, first class Default: Rare:
Travel to the Reach, second class Default: Rare:
Pay sovereigns for second-class travel to the Reach Default: Rare:

The Eleutheria Transit Relay Travel to Eleutheria Default: Rare:
Travel to Eleutheria Default: Rare:

The Eleutherian Transit Relay to the Reach Travel to the Reach Default: Rare:
Travel to the Reach Default: Rare:

The Blue Kingdom Transit Relay Travel to the Blue Kingdom, unofficially Default: Rare:
Travel to the Blue Kingdom, first class Default: Rare:
Travel to the Blue Kingdom, second class Default: Rare:

The Blue Kingdom's Transit Relay to the Reach Ask to travel to the Reach Default: Rare:

Triggered Events[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Requirements Type Location
UNSEEN: Begin Liberators Construction
    • Visitor: The Reach ≥ 10
Story Event (Always :100%) The Sky
UNSEEN: Colonised Cantankeri
    • Visitor: The Reach ≥ 10
Story Event (Always :100%) The Sky

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