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Your Revolutionary Aunt
Your Revolutionary Aunt
Category Officers
Position Quartermaster

Veils icon +10 Veils

Affiliationvillainy icon +2 Affiliation: Villainy

Data ID 136289
Interaction ID 288648

Your Revolutionary Aunt is considered a Officer Quartermaster in Sunless Skies.

Officers description[]

"Your Aunt is now a permanent member of the Calendar Council. She is somehow even more terrifying."


After learning the truth from Queen Victoria, reveal it.

Your Aunt[]

She has taken over one of your nicer cabins, which she has ruthlessly redecorated. There is a preponderance of ugly ornaments balanced precariously on tiny tables. Hideous antimacassars adorn every available surface.

Your Aunt occupies a felt armchair in the centre of the horror, where she spends her time either knitting or solving truly mind-boggling cryptic crosswords.


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Attempt a translation
See if you decipher can the Correspondence scored into the Throne of Hours.
See what your Aunt is up to
A smell of baking wafts through your locomotive.
It emerges that your Aunt is holding a tea party for those of your crew plagued with bad dreams. You're not invited. "It's nothing personal, dear. They just won't feel able to speak freely if their captain can hear. They know they can always trust Aunty to keep a secret." She closes the door.
A Secondment: Listen to Aunty's suggestion
She's been baking up a storm. This usually means she wants something.
Possible employment for an Aunt
"Just an idle thought," she says, presenting you with a new batch of sourdough loaves. She frowns at the consistency of the bread, as though she expects it to get its act together sharpish.

"But if you wish to make use of my full arsenal of talents, you might want to grant me shore leave at the Most Serene Mausoleum." Her eyes gleam behind her horn-rimmed spectacles. "I have ideas. But if you think I'm more valuable aboard your engine, that's up to you."

Game note: Your Aunt will be able to generate Barrels of Unseasoned Hours for you while seconded at the Most Serene Mausoleum.

Quality status[]

Your Revolutionary Aunt has different statuses according to your actions, defined by the comment in front of the quality.

Interaction description[]

These desciptions appear specifically when the value changes.

  • [1] Your Aunt has become Revolutionary.


Interactions in Brief[]

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Interaction Action Result Type Change
Welcome to Worlebury-juxta-Mare 'Bring your Aunt back aboard' Default / Challenge Fail + [q:139804]
The Inconvenient Aunt 'Talk to your Aunt' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Nave 'Inter your Aunt' Default / Challenge Fail = 0
Recruit 'Your Aunt' 'Read the letter' Default / Challenge Fail = 1
The Deathless Aunt 'Collect your Aunt' Default / Challenge Fail + [q:139804]

Interactions in Detail[]

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Story Action Required Effect
Welcome to Worlebury-juxta-Mare Bring your Aunt back aboard None Default:

The Inconvenient Aunt Talk to your Aunt Default:

The Nave Inter your Aunt Default:

Recruit 'Your Aunt' Read the letter Default:
    • Inconvenientaunt icon Your Revolutionary Aunt = 1 [Your Aunt has become Revolutionary.]
    • Aunt Recruited = 1

The Deathless Aunt Collect your Aunt Default:

Triggered Events[]

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Story Requirements Type Location
Recruit 'Your Aunt'
    • Your Revolutionary Aunt ≤ 0
    • Aunt Recruited ≤ 0
Story Event (Always :100%) King's Idyll Station

First Officers Quartermasters Signallers Chief Engineers Mascots
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Officer Name Skill Bonus Affiliation Bonus Recruited From
Inconvenientaunt icon Inconvenient Aunt
Inconvenientaunt icon Your Spymaster Aunt
Inconvenientaunt icon Your Revolutionary Aunt
Chiropteroushoarder icon Chiropterous Hoarder
Chiropteroushoarder icon Multiplicitous Hoarder
Chiropteroushoarder icon Immutable Hoarder
Forgedcompanion icon Illusive Forged Companion
Forgedcompanion icon Poetic Forged Companion
Forgedcompanion icon Pugilistic Forged Companion
Forgedcompanion icon Studious Forged Companion